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Alan M. Dershowitz

Auteur de The Case for Israel

71+ oeuvres 4,607 utilisateurs 54 critiques 3 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Attorney and bestselling author Alan M. Dershowitz was first in his class at Yale Law School. Dershowitz was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal and the youngest full professor in the history of Harvard Law School. He is currently the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard University. He afficher plus has served on the National Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union. Dershowitz has represented many controversial clients, including O. J. Simpson, Claus von Bulow, Mike Tyson, Leona Helmsley and Patricia Hearst. His books include Reasonable Doubt (about the O. J. Simpson trial) and Sexual McCarthyism: Clinton, Starr, and the Emerging Constitutional Crisis. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins

Œuvres de Alan M. Dershowitz

The Case for Israel (2003) 800 exemplaires
Chutzpah (1991) 431 exemplaires
Le démon de l'avocat (1994) 186 exemplaires
Just Revenge (1999) 162 exemplaires
Letters to a Young Lawyer (2001) 130 exemplaires
The Best Defense (1982) 123 exemplaires
Contrary to Popular Opinion (1992) 103 exemplaires
America Declares Independence (2003) 73 exemplaires
The Abuse Excuse (1994) 68 exemplaires
The Case Against Impeaching Trump (2018) 55 exemplaires
The Trials of Zion (2010) 53 exemplaires
The Scopes Trial (1990) 12 exemplaires
The Mignonette Case (1990) 4 exemplaires
Trial of J. W. Webster (1990) 3 exemplaires
Frauen. (2004) 2 exemplaires
INVASION AT HARPER'S FERRY (1993) 2 exemplaires
Small Compromises 1 exemplaire
Fair and Certain Punishment (1976) 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

The Mueller Report (2019) — Avant-propos, quelques éditions870 exemplaires
The Last Duel: A True Story of Crime, Scandal, and Trial by Combat in Medieval France (2004) — Introduction, quelques éditions665 exemplaires
History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier (2005) — Postface — 449 exemplaires
The Nuremberg Trial (1983) — Introduction, quelques éditions333 exemplaires
Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (2009) — Avant-propos, quelques éditions185 exemplaires
Class Action: The Story of Lois Jenson and the Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law (2002) — Introduction, quelques éditions133 exemplaires
The Best American Essays 1990 (1990) — Contributeur — 119 exemplaires
On the Firing Line: The Public Life of Our Public Figures (1989) — Contributeur — 113 exemplaires
A House in Gross Disorder: Sex, Law, and the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven (1999) — Introduction, quelques éditions108 exemplaires
In Search of Anti-Semitism (1992) — Contributeur, quelques éditions63 exemplaires
The Power to Harm (1996) — Introduction — 33 exemplaires
The Trial of Lizzie Borden, edited with a History of the Case (1982) — Introduction, quelques éditions32 exemplaires
Reason and Passion: Justice Brennan's Enduring Influence (1997) — Contributeur — 17 exemplaires
The Trial of William Joyce (1946) — Avant-propos — 15 exemplaires
Report of the Trial of Professor J. W. Webster (1990) — Introduction, quelques éditions10 exemplaires
Reversal of Fortune [1990 film] (1990) — Original book — 8 exemplaires
Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Schooner Savannah (1862) — Introduction, quelques éditions6 exemplaires
Penthouse Magazine | November 2017 (2017) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Penthouse Magazine | October 1988 (1988) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Penthouse Magazine | June 1987 | Samantha Fox (1987) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire


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Viele der IDEEN sind ab- und zugeschrieben, habe sie schon oft gelesen. Aber in diesem netten Büchlein (145 Seiten, das Layout kommt eher aus der volkstümlichen Trinkliedrichtung) sind sie doch anders, überraschend verpackt, oft ein echter Affront gegen Männer. Trotzdem auch für das männliche Geschlecht anfangs witzig zu lesen.

Meine Favoriten nach Kategorien:

(Weisheiten über Frauen) Die Stärke der Frauen rührt aus der Tatsache her, dass die Psychologie sie nicht zu deuten vermag. Männer kann man analysieren, Frauen...nur anbeten. (Wilde)
(Dies und das) Das Alter zwischen 45 und 50: Dann ist eine Frau wie Jugoslawien oder Irak. Sie hat den Ehekrieg verloren und wird von vergangenen Fehlern geplagt. Massiver Wiederaufbau ist jetzt nötig.
(Kluges über Männer) Männer sind die geborenen Sucher. Am liebsten suchen sie das Weite. (Herking)
(Volkslied Parodien ersparen wir uns, eher peinlich: z.B. So ein Swinger Club ist lustig)
(1-2 deutige Witze: na ja)
(Klartext, 75 Antworten zum Thema Mann) Warum arbeiten Männer auch am Wochenende? Damit man sie am Montag nicht neu anlernen muss.
(Lieber als...) Lieber tausend dumme Sprüche als einen Klugscheißer.
(Witzige Haushaltstipps, Spaßhoroskop, Schüttelreime: witzig?)
(Frauenwörterbuch, mmmh) Scheckkarte - ein gern benutztes Zahlungsmittel, wenn es nicht das eigene ist.
(Schön ausgeredet) Er: sag mal, warum verstehtst Du mich nicht? Sie: Was hast du gesagt?

Das Buch lässt ab er Mitte (Lieber als...) zum Ende hin leider deutlich nach, eher peinliche Statements - von Männern geschrieben?
… (plus d'informations)
Clu98 | Mar 22, 2023 |
I just finished Taking the Stand: My Life in the Law by Alan M. Dershowitz. Overall it was a fascinating and stirring story of the journey of a Jewish resident of a gritty, working class neighborhood in Brooklyn to become a prominent law professor and lawyer. In many ways, despite the Jewish sheen, it is a classic American story or someone from an immigrant family who did very well for himself, earning every penny he had and helping many along the way. His book describes how he represented such people as O.J. Simpson, Klaus Von Bulow and other celebrities. It's the kind of book that makes you proud to be an American and, if Jewish like myself, proud to be Jewish.

Then why do I give it three stars (on Goodreads) rather than five? The book needed some serious fact-checking. The book tells of Jefferson's actions as John Adams' Secretary of State. I'm a history buff and knew the error. Another puts events in Israel out of chronological order. These are the kind of errors that unnecessarily detract from and undermine the book's overall message. Still a good and highly recommended read.
… (plus d'informations)
JBGUSA | 1 autre critique | Jan 2, 2023 |
Overall excellent book and a keeper. In fact I'm having it autographed on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at Temple Emanu-el in New York City. I encourage all nearby to come.

I gave the book four rather than five stars because it is a bit repetitive in many respects. The same positive attributes of Israel are listed, over and over. And some of the same examples are rehashed. Ditto with regard to their various nemesises, the Arabs and their complicit European allies. It is a miracle that any garrison state can keep most attributes of a democracy intact. Dershowitz has skillfully shown how well Israel has adhered to the rule of law, minority rights and freedoms in the face of constant suicidal warfare. I recommend the book to anyone with a serious interest in the Middle East and a willingness to think beyond the moronic chants and slogans of the college BDS movement and the toxic propaganda of the Arab nations and other anti-Semites, cranks and Holocaust deniers.… (plus d'informations)
JBGUSA | 11 autres critiques | Jan 2, 2023 |
Pretty good but uneven book. A lot of the material was familiar. There was too much emphasis on Abraham's adventure at his father's idol shop. There were also some very stirring and powerful parts. So I rated it "three stars" owing to some unevenness.

My copy is autographed so not available for resale.
JBGUSA | Jan 2, 2023 |


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