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Harm J. De Blij (1935–2014)

Auteur de Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts

44+ oeuvres 1,203 utilisateurs 16 critiques 1 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Harm de Blij is John A. Hannah Professor of Geography at Michigan State University. He was the popular Geography Editor on ABC's "Good Morning America" for seven years, was Geography Analyst for NBCN News, and was the writer of and commentator for the original PBS Series "The Power of Place." The afficher plus author of over 30 books, he is an honorary life member of the National Geographic Society. afficher moins

Œuvres de Harm J. De Blij

Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts (1971) 327 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Human Geography: Culture, Society, and Space (1977) 58 exemplaires, 1 critique
Oxford Atlas of North America (2006) 38 exemplaires
Concepts and Regions in Geography (2002) 35 exemplaires
Atlas of North America (2005) 18 exemplaires
Systematic Political Geography (1967) 14 exemplaires
Earth '88: Changing Geographic Perspectives (1988) — Directeur de publication — 13 exemplaires
Wine: A Geographic Appreciation (1983) 5 exemplaires
World Atlas 9e for Set Use Only (1999) 5 exemplaires
Wartime encounter with geography (2000) 2 exemplaires
Essentials of Geography (1974) 2 exemplaires
Africa South (1962) 1 exemplaire
(Wcs)Earth 4e Custom--Umd (2001) 1 exemplaire
Wartime Encounter 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture (2006)quelques éditions36 exemplaires


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Three challenges facing America: Climate change, the rise of China, and Global terrorism
jhawn | 5 autres critiques | Jul 31, 2017 |
I really like the basic premise of this book, that geographical factors of various kinds make the world "rough" rather than "flat" for the vast majority of people. The author provides good examples and the maps really brought the concepts across well. I'm troubled by the author's somewhat sly hostility toward religion. WHile I can agree that violent and/or deeply intolerant religious ideas do much to make the place a more dangerous place, I think the author puts too much emphasis on the problems created by religion while allowing other strong cultural factors a by. Overall, this is a fairly basic geography overview of some of the major factors that lead to inequality in the world. The most important lesson reinforced here is that no one is "self-made" and the poverty and disadvantage are just that, disadvantageous. Worth reading, but when the author strays into philosophy, I got frustrated.… (plus d'informations)
kaitanya64 | 4 autres critiques | Jan 3, 2017 |
I had to buy this textbook for a class; I started reading it on my own before the semester even started. It's very interesting and informative, and well organized, with a clean layout.

I do not regret for a second buying this book, and had I looked through it at the store I would have bought it even if it wasn't required.
broccolima | 2 autres critiques | Jan 26, 2014 |


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