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A propos de l'auteur

Œuvres de Mostafa Al-Badawi

Oeuvres associées

The Lives of Man (1991) — Traducteur — 35 exemplaires
Gifts for the Seeker (1993) — Traducteur, quelques éditions18 exemplaires
Three Treatises : Mutual Reminding, Good Manners & The Aphorisms (2017) — Traducteur, quelques éditions7 exemplaires
Introduction to the Principles of Quranic Exegesis (2014) — Translator, Commentator, quelques éditions5 exemplaires
Knowledge & Wisdom = al-Ful al-Ilmiyya wa'l-Ul al-amiyya (2017) — Traducteur, quelques éditions3 exemplaires


Partage des connaissances

Date de naissance
Lieu de naissance
Cairo, Egypt
Cairo University Medical School
Courte biographie
From LOC: found: Ancient prophets of Arabia ʻalayhim al-salām, [2012]: cover (Mostafa Badawi [in rom.]) page 4 of cover (Dr. Mostafa Badawi was born in Cairo in 1948; graduated from Cairo University Medical School in 1971; completed his postgraduate training in UK in 1985, he has been practicing as a consultant psychiatrist since then; scholar; has authored several books in English and Arabic; translated from Arabic into English several books about religion and Islam)



Nosotros, los musulmanes, hemos sido ampliamente advertidos acerca de estos dí­as, después de haber recibido de nuestro Bendito Profeta, que la paz sea con Él, un conocimiento detallado de lo que realmente está sucediendo ahora, junto con instrucciones sobre cómo hacer frente a estos peligros. Hay un gran corpus de tradiciones proféticas sobre los últimos dí­as y los eventos que conducen a ellos. Para el Profeta, que las bendiciones y la paz de Dios sean con Él, nos informaron a nosotros, a su pueblo, de todo lo que necesitamos saber para sortear las tormentas que Él sabía que seguramente vendrí­an en nuestro camino. No solo nos enseñó nuestro credo, la Ley Sagrada y cómo mejorar nuestra espiritualidad, sino también los signos mediante los cuales deberí­amos poder reconocer a qué etapa de la historia de nuestra comunidad hemos llegado y qué se debe hacer al respecto. -
We Muslims have been amply forewarned about these days, having received from our Blessed Prophet-may peace be upon him-detailed knowledge of what is now actually taking place, together with instructions on how to cope with these perils. There is a large corpus of Prophetic traditions concerning the Latter Days and the events that lead up to them. For the Prophet-may God's blessings and peace be upon him-informed us, his people, of everything we need to know in order to navigate the storms that he knew were sure to come our way. Not only did he teach us our creed, Sacred Law, and how to enhance our spirituality, but also the signs by which we should be able to recognize which stage of the history of our community we have reached and what ought to be done about it.
… (plus d'informations)
bibyerrahi | Aug 24, 2021 |
Esta biografía del santo y de Iman Abdallah al-Haddad lleva a los lectores al mundo fascinante y la vida espiritual del siglo XVII y principios del siglo XVIII. La vida de este reconocido maestro espiritual, cuyas enseñanzas y ejemplo personal continúan influyendo en las vidas de todo el mundo, se examina, desde su temprana atracción hacia la poesía sufi y la visita a la tumba del profeta Hud, hasta su ascenso como maestro sufí, su Hajj. Viaje a la meca, y su muerte. Los hechos biográficos de la vida de al-Haddad se entremezclan con 35 fotografías en blanco y negro y reflexiones sobre sus enseñanzas espirituales, incluida su visión de las "nueve etapas de la certeza", las cinco investiduras de taqwa, las etapas de la gnosis, y karamat y super eventos naturales. Los practicantes, historiadores y antropólogos sufíes llegarán a una comprensión más profunda de esta tradición atemporal y duradera con este fascinante registro de un maestro sufi seminal. -
This biography of the saint and Iman Abdallah al-Haddad takes readers into the fascinating world and spiritual life of 17th- and early 18th-century Yemen. The life of this renown spiritual master—whose teachings and personal example continue to influence lives around the world—is examined, from his early attraction to Sufi poetry and visit to the tomb of the prophet Hud to his rise as a Sufi master, his Hajj journey to Mecca, and his death. The biographical facts of al-Haddad's life are interspersed with 35 black and white photographs and ruminations on his spiritual teachings, including his take on the "nine stages of certainty," the five investitures of taqwa, the stages of gnosis, and karamat and super natural events. Sufi practitioners, historians, and anthropologists will come to a deeper understanding of this timeless and enduring tradition with this fascinating record of a seminal Sufi master.
… (plus d'informations)
bibyerrahi | Feb 15, 2021 |
I wish I could memorize this book as I know people have. Very tough but Inshallah one day. Starting the day off reading even parts of it give of course that strength and lightness that come from nothing but prayer and zikr. Very thankful for this book and cherish it.
MNF99 | Oct 22, 2010 |


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