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Rudolph Valentino: A Wife's Memories of an Icon

par Natacha Rambova

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Récemment ajouté parHarmonySmith, SelkieGhost, knahs

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A very interesting book. Part of this book was written by Valentino's wife, Natacha Rambova, in 1927. This is combined with sections written by Hala Pickford, of The Rudolph Valentino Society. The sections by Rambova, were excellent. She described events so vividly that you felt you were there with her. It really transports you back to that time. The sections by Hala Pickford added greatly to Rambova's text to provide background and biographical information on the people who were participants in Valentino's life. However, these sections would have been improved with a good proof reader since there were grammatical errors throughout; although not too many to distract the reader. There were 11 chapters by Rambova that purportedly provided information Valentino communicated from beyond the grave. These were very interesting and Pickford's explanation of the couple's interest in spiritualism and automatic writing and these movements at that time in history assisted in understanding this section. However, I would have liked to have known why only 11 chapters? Were there no other communications from Valentino, did Rambova stop communicating or simply chose not to discuss this anymore? I would have liked these questions answered. I particularly liked the chapters on Nita Naldi and June Mathis because it is so difficult to find information on these ladies. Overall, it is a great look at the life of Valentino and I would recommend it - you really learn about Valentino the man, not the myth. ( )
  knahs | Dec 29, 2011 |
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