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First Person Plural: My Life as a Multiple

par Cameron West

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
373771,337 (3.72)2
In this inspiring memoir, Cameron West, now a psychologist, describes his life with Dissociative Identity Disorder, one of the most fascinating and least understood psychiatric conditions of our time. Without warning, when he was in his thirties, happily married, and the father of a young son, West suddenly had the sense that something was "terribly wrong" with his mind. With the support of a therapist, over a period of several months, twenty-four personalities emerged to relive long-hidden memories of childhood sexual abuse. In First Person Plural, readers accompany West on an emotional roller coaster ride as he desperately hangs on to the slender thread that connects him to his wife and son, and some semblance of "regular life". In addition to a spellbinding story, West offers rare and unprecedented insight into the fascinating workings of the mind of a multiple and his alters' coexistence with one another and those "outside". Heartwrenching, humorous, and ultimately hopeful as West triumphsover the most devastating circumstances, First Person Plural is a story few readers will ever forget.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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Loved this book ( )
  mb22 | May 11, 2024 |
A gripping, raw first-person account of life with multiple personalities. It's not going to win prizes for literary style but it should change the way you think about consciousness and what it means to be. ( )
  acdha | Mar 21, 2023 |
Changed my life. ( )
  KRaySaulis | Aug 13, 2014 |
This book is a fascinating read, from the perspective of one who has DID, formerly called multiple personality disorder. The author is honest and tells an interesting story. It is very touching at times, also contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse. Not for everyone. ( )
1 voter Rob.Larson | Aug 5, 2011 |
A fascinating account of one man's journey to recovery from the abuse sustained at the hands of his family.

Check out more of my reviews at BookSnakeReviews ( )
  PeachyTO | Apr 8, 2010 |
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For my wonderful you'll know.
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In this inspiring memoir, Cameron West, now a psychologist, describes his life with Dissociative Identity Disorder, one of the most fascinating and least understood psychiatric conditions of our time. Without warning, when he was in his thirties, happily married, and the father of a young son, West suddenly had the sense that something was "terribly wrong" with his mind. With the support of a therapist, over a period of several months, twenty-four personalities emerged to relive long-hidden memories of childhood sexual abuse. In First Person Plural, readers accompany West on an emotional roller coaster ride as he desperately hangs on to the slender thread that connects him to his wife and son, and some semblance of "regular life". In addition to a spellbinding story, West offers rare and unprecedented insight into the fascinating workings of the mind of a multiple and his alters' coexistence with one another and those "outside". Heartwrenching, humorous, and ultimately hopeful as West triumphsover the most devastating circumstances, First Person Plural is a story few readers will ever forget.

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Moyenne: (3.72)
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