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The Light

par D. J. MacHale

Séries: Morpheus Road (1)

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3771970,481 (3.63)1 / 11
Sixteen-year-old Marshall Seaver is expecting a boring summer when his best friend goes away, but instead he finds himself haunted--and hunted--by ghosts that want something from him which he cannot decipher.

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 Name that Book: Found: Horror/Thriller about Boy Being chased by Ghost4 non-lus / 4RyanStevens1414, Décembre 2023

» Voir aussi les 11 mentions

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Good YA fiction. It is rare to have horror fiction be genuinely creepy, not just bloody/gory, this one at times succeeded. It is a good start to the trilogy as well. There are some slow parts but nothing that lasts too long. There is the beginning of a mythology here that may be hard to keep consistent and rational but it will be interesting to see if the author can pull it off. ( )
  Skybalon | Mar 19, 2020 |
Sixteen-year-old Marshall Seaver is expecting a boring summer when his best friend goes away, but instead he finds himself haunted--and hunted--by ghosts that want something from him which he cannot decipher.
  lkmuir | Oct 26, 2015 |
This is like a suspense/horror novel for kids. To me, [a:D.J. MacHale|74046|D.J. MacHale|] is a cross between [a:Stephen King|3389|Stephen King|] and [a:Rick Riordan|15872|Rick Riordan|]. The story was entertaining, but I think I'm either not boy enough or too old to really appreciate this series as it's meant to be. I may get [b:The Black|8437631|The Black (Morpheus Road, #2)|D.J. MacHale||13301213] from the library, because as much as I enjoyed [b:The Light|6503718|The Light (Morpheus Road, #1)|D.J. MacHale||6695275], I don't need to read it again. ( )
  camibrite | May 25, 2014 |
I chose the audio edition of Morpheus Road, The Light and I was not disappointed. Once again Nick Podehl offers an excellent narrative performance. He did a great job of voicing all the characters and adding to the depth of the story. Marshall Seaver is looking forward to an amazing summer with his best friend, Cooper Foley but all that changes when Cooper lands himself in " trouble town" and has to lay low at his parents lake house for a while. When strange things begin happening to Marshall and Cooper goes missing the book's suspense factor is ratcheted up. This book keep me intrigued from beginning to end it had plenty of chills, thrills and creepy moments to hold my interest. If you enjoy your horror with a good dose of suspense I recommend you check out this audio CD. ( )
  68papyrus | May 12, 2014 |
It's a book you wont want to put down until the last page. Great adventure and can not wait until the next one comes out. ( )
  WetheReaders | Apr 15, 2013 |
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Sixteen-year-old Marshall Seaver is expecting a boring summer when his best friend goes away, but instead he finds himself haunted--and hunted--by ghosts that want something from him which he cannot decipher.

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Found: Horror/Thriller about Boy Being chased by Ghost à Name that Book

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