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Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa

par Melanie Dobson

Séries: Love Finds You (Iowa - 21)

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"Times are hard in 1894. Desperate for work, former banker Jacob Hirsch rides the rails west from Chicago with his four-year-old daughter, Cassie. When a life-threatening illness strands the pair in Homestead, Iowa, the local Amana villagers welcome the father and daughter into their peaceful society. Liesel, a young Amana woman, nurses Cassie back to health, and the Homestead elders offer Jacob work. But Jacob's growing interest in Liesel complicates his position in the Amanas. Will he fight to stay in the only place that feels like home, even if it means giving up the woman he loves? Or will Liesel leave her beloved community to face the outside world with Jacob and Cassie at her side?"--p. [4] of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
This is a very sweet story. I did not get as consumed as I usually do with a book by this author but still enjoyed it. I liked learning about the Amana community in Iowa. ( )
  Thelmajean | Feb 6, 2018 |
I liked the main characters and the portrayal of the Amana colonies (which I know very little about) but I didn't like the skipping to the bank manager's point of view. I skimmed those parts because I wanted to get back to the hero and heroine. Overall, a good, fairly quick, read for those who like sweet historical romance. ( )
  ReinaMWilliams | Mar 31, 2017 |
Free on the kindle. Straightforward romance. Spoilers abound. Guy loses wife, takes daughter & flees Chicago in economic crisis of 1870's? to go West, ends up in the Amana colonies in Iowa. Has God, finds love & peace & happiness. Odd trip back to Chicago to "clear his name"; not sure why that whole subplot was there, except maybe to have a misery in contrast.
  franoscar | Oct 3, 2011 |
The Love Finds You series seems to run hot and cold. I find some I really like and some that I cannot finish. So far, this is the best of the series.

The Amana villages do not welcome outsiders, but Jacob & his daughter, Cassie arrive by accident. Jacob had planned to take a passenger train from Chicago to Washington but a Pullman strike forces him to jump on a freight train headed to Iowa. When he arrives in Homestead he is forced off the train by a woman who is also riding the rails. Cassie is diagnosed with Diphtheria so they are quarantined in the town for awhile. Meanwhile Jacob falls in love with Rachel and her with him, even though their love cannot be since Jacob is an outsider.

The book is very well written and held my attention from beginning to end. ( )
  wearylibrarian | Jul 20, 2010 |
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Love Finds You (Iowa - 21)

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"Times are hard in 1894. Desperate for work, former banker Jacob Hirsch rides the rails west from Chicago with his four-year-old daughter, Cassie. When a life-threatening illness strands the pair in Homestead, Iowa, the local Amana villagers welcome the father and daughter into their peaceful society. Liesel, a young Amana woman, nurses Cassie back to health, and the Homestead elders offer Jacob work. But Jacob's growing interest in Liesel complicates his position in the Amanas. Will he fight to stay in the only place that feels like home, even if it means giving up the woman he loves? Or will Liesel leave her beloved community to face the outside world with Jacob and Cassie at her side?"--p. [4] of cover.

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