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Living Life as a Thank You: The Transformative Power of Daily Gratitude

par Nina Lesowitz

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642424,151 (3.95)5
Living as if each day is a thank you can help transform fear into courage, anger into forgiveness, and isolation into belonging. Authors Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons present a simple yet comprehensive approach for incorporating gratitude into one's life and reaping its many benefits. The book is divided into ten chapters, including Ways to Stay Thankful in Difficult Times, Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice, and Putting Gratitude into Action. Each chapter includes stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed by thankfulness, motivational quotes and blessings, and suggested gratitude practices. Whatever is given-even a challenging moment-is a gift. With this audiobook, you will be able to feel more connected to the flow of life and less alone in your struggles and fears.… (plus d'informations)

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Living Life as a Thank You is a loving, peaceful, and inspiring connection to gratitude in a variety of forms.
Gentle humor guides practices toward change and caring.

My favorite quote is from Arthur Ashe:

"From what we get, we can make a living;
what we give, however, makes a life."

It was fun to list Favorite Smells = wet dog, opening bag of coffee beans, the first lilacs,
fresh air after a good strong rainfall, peppermint, baking bread, cinnamon, pine trees, lime...

As well, it was a challenge to list Ten Negative Thoughts from the Past Week,
then turn them around into statements of positive energy. ( )
  m.belljackson | Apr 13, 2019 |
Every once in awhile, you encounter a book that can be summed up in one lovely word- INSPIRING!

Living Life as a Thank You: The Tranformative Power of Daily Gratitude by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons is a motiving guide, filled with daily inspiration and affirmation.

The opening line asks, "Imagine living as if each day were a gift," and Living Life as a Thank You offers the wisdom and insight to lead you down the path.

The book is divided into ten chapters, each chock full of stories of individuals whose lives have been tranformed by thanfulnees, motivational quotes and blessings, and suggested gratitude practices. The book can be read from cover to cover, or used daily for ideas and meditative time.

One of my favorite "mom" stories in Living Life as a Thank You is "Finding Thanks at Target." It certainly gave me a new perspective to read how an ordinary shopping trip became an extraordinary experience of gratitude for a mother and child. ( )
1 voter BarbWebb | Mar 20, 2010 |
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Living as if each day is a thank you can help transform fear into courage, anger into forgiveness, and isolation into belonging. Authors Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons present a simple yet comprehensive approach for incorporating gratitude into one's life and reaping its many benefits. The book is divided into ten chapters, including Ways to Stay Thankful in Difficult Times, Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice, and Putting Gratitude into Action. Each chapter includes stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed by thankfulness, motivational quotes and blessings, and suggested gratitude practices. Whatever is given-even a challenging moment-is a gift. With this audiobook, you will be able to feel more connected to the flow of life and less alone in your struggles and fears.

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