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Liquid Church

par Pete Ward

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1331212,695 (3.47)Aucun
The church must be like water--flexible, fluid, changeable. This book is a vision for how the church can embrace the liquid nature of culture rather than just scrambling to keep afloat while sailing over it.Ward urges us to move away from the traditional understanding of church as a gathering of people meeting in one place at one time to a dynamic notion of church as a series of relationships and communications. In the Liquid Church, membership is determined by participation and involvement. Liquid Church is continually on the move, flowing in response to the Spirit and the gospel of Jesus, the imagination and creativity of its leaders, and the choices and experiences of its worshippers.… (plus d'informations)

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A fascinating book, looking sociologically and theologically at modern trends in church life. Proposes that church become more 'liquid' in terms of networking, and fluid structures rather than continuing the Mediaeval style 'solid church' that had a very different basis in society. I have one or two concerns about the author's conclusions, but on the whole found it a very thought-provoking and discerning book. A bit heavy-going in places, but well worth the effort. Four and a half stars, really. ( )
  SueinCyprus | Jan 26, 2016 |
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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The church must be like water--flexible, fluid, changeable. This book is a vision for how the church can embrace the liquid nature of culture rather than just scrambling to keep afloat while sailing over it.Ward urges us to move away from the traditional understanding of church as a gathering of people meeting in one place at one time to a dynamic notion of church as a series of relationships and communications. In the Liquid Church, membership is determined by participation and involvement. Liquid Church is continually on the move, flowing in response to the Spirit and the gospel of Jesus, the imagination and creativity of its leaders, and the choices and experiences of its worshippers.

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