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The Dark Monk (2012)

par Oliver Pötzsch

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

Séries: La fille du bourreau (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,0133921,301 (3.58)78
Fiction. Thriller. HTML:


1660: Winter has settled thick over a sleepy village in the Bavarian Alps, ensuring every farmer and servant is indoors the night a parish priest discovers he's been poisoned. As numbness creeps up his body, he summons the last of his strength to scratch a cryptic sign in the frost.

Following a trail of riddles, hangman Jakob Kuisl; his headstrong daughter Magdalena; and the town physician's son team up with the priest's aristocratic sister to investigate. What they uncover will lead them back to the Crusades, unlocking a troubled history of internal church politics and sending them on a chase for a treasure of the Knights Templar.

But they're not the only ones after the legendary fortune. A team of dangerous and mysterious monks is always close behind, tracking their every move, speaking Latin in the shadows, giving off a strange, intoxicating scent. And to throw the hangman off their trail, they have ensured he is tasked with capturing a band of thieves roving the countryside attacking solitary travelers and spreading panic.

Delivering on the promise of the international bestseller The Hangman's Daughter, once again based on prodigious historical research into Ptzsch's family tree, The Dark Monk takes us on a whirlwind tour through the occult hiding places of Bavaria's ancient monasteries, bringing to life an unforgettable compassionate hangman and his tenacious daughter, painting a robust tableau of a seventeenth-century Bavaria still negotiating the lasting impacts of war, and quickening our pulses with a gripping, mesmerizing mystery.

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Très beau roman historique avec plein de références. ( )
  guilmom | Sep 1, 2018 |
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Oliver Pötzschauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Chadeayne, LeeTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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“We delight in marvellous things. One proof of that is that everyone embellishes somewhat when telling a story in the assumption he is pleasing his listener.” —ARISTOTLE, Poetics, XXIV
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For my grandmother, the matriarch of our family, and for my mother, who still tells the best stories
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When the parish priest Andrea Koppmeyer pressed the last stone into place and sealed the opening with lime and mortar, he had just four hours to live.
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Fiction. Thriller. HTML:


1660: Winter has settled thick over a sleepy village in the Bavarian Alps, ensuring every farmer and servant is indoors the night a parish priest discovers he's been poisoned. As numbness creeps up his body, he summons the last of his strength to scratch a cryptic sign in the frost.

Following a trail of riddles, hangman Jakob Kuisl; his headstrong daughter Magdalena; and the town physician's son team up with the priest's aristocratic sister to investigate. What they uncover will lead them back to the Crusades, unlocking a troubled history of internal church politics and sending them on a chase for a treasure of the Knights Templar.

But they're not the only ones after the legendary fortune. A team of dangerous and mysterious monks is always close behind, tracking their every move, speaking Latin in the shadows, giving off a strange, intoxicating scent. And to throw the hangman off their trail, they have ensured he is tasked with capturing a band of thieves roving the countryside attacking solitary travelers and spreading panic.

Delivering on the promise of the international bestseller The Hangman's Daughter, once again based on prodigious historical research into Ptzsch's family tree, The Dark Monk takes us on a whirlwind tour through the occult hiding places of Bavaria's ancient monasteries, bringing to life an unforgettable compassionate hangman and his tenacious daughter, painting a robust tableau of a seventeenth-century Bavaria still negotiating the lasting impacts of war, and quickening our pulses with a gripping, mesmerizing mystery.


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