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Dancing With Katya

par Dori Chaconas

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In the late 1920s, Anna tries to help her younger sister Katya regain her strength and joy in life after she becomes crippled by polio.

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This is a beautiful and heartwarming tale which is why I really enjoyed reading it. Katya wants to dance more than anything in the world and her sister wants that for her more than anything in the world. This book is a great example of diverse literature in the fact that it features a young girl with a disability doing something people probably thought she couldn't. The best part of the story is that she dances in her own way--with the help of her loving sister. I really loved the illustrations; they really convey the warmth of the story. It tells the reader that different can be beautiful. The main idea of the story is that you don't have to be able-bodied to do something you love and to enjoy it no matter what other people think.
  vbazuz1 | Apr 1, 2019 |
This was an interesting book. It portrays the significance of the characters. Also, this book will have positive portrayals of individuals who go through physical challenges. It is essential that children with these challenges find their their lives reflected in the book. Also, this story may help gain more understanding and empathy for people who have disabilities. I think this book has a wonderful plot where the siblings help each other by showing love and care for one another when one of the character, the big sister finds out that her little sister was not going to be able to walk again. She makes everything for her little sister, to show her that she is not alone. By reading this book, children will feel ore grateful about their siblings Therefore, this book will be easy to relate to. Moreover, the illustrations and texts are easy to comprehend. This book will also show children about overcoming the challenges. Also, children will be introduced to the new disease that existed in the history. I will use this book in my class. ( )
  soh8 | Nov 5, 2018 |
Summary: This is about a little girl that gets Polio and loses complete use of her legs. She goes off to a doctor to get leg braces and her and her sister are very disappointed with the results of the leg braces because the little girl wants to dance. The sister makes ballet shoes for the girls hands and shows her how to dance with her hands.
Opinion: I like how this book represents a disease that has since been eradicated. It's important for children to learn about things like this that used to be around. Its a sweet story of sisterly love and probably inspiring for children who do not have full use of their legs. ( )
  KelseyGwozdz | Oct 2, 2018 |
I enjoyed this book for a few reasons. First, the plot was very unique because I have never read a children's book about Polio. Polio is not a common disease today, but children with disabilities could easily relate to this book. Second, the writing of the story contains very authentic language which makes the reader more drawn to the characters. For example, Katya wants to go to the pond and her sister responds "What would we do at the pond, Little Miss Kat?" Teasing can be heard through the language used throughout the story which shows the strong relationship between the siblings. Each page of the story makes the reader want to keep reading and hear more about how the girls will be there for each other through this tough time. Not only was the story unique, but the illustrations were unique and beautifully done as well. The illustrations were great at showing the character's emotions and correlating to the text on each page. This book would be a great addition to an elementary classroom library and would show children that students with disabilities still can do many things that they love to do. ( )
  mpotts1 | Feb 23, 2015 |
I really liked reading this book. It was written from the perspective of the older sister, which gave great insight into what it is like for the entire family when one member is extremely sick. The plot was organized but moved a bit slowly for me. As someone who is going into special education, the book kept me engaged and I loved how Katya's sister created beautiful dancing gloves for her to have at the end of the story. The big idea behind this story is that you can conquer anything with love, a strong spirit and time. Also, that just because you may have to alter your dreams, doesn't mean you can't be everything you always wanted to be. ( )
  ehopki7 | Feb 20, 2015 |
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In the late 1920s, Anna tries to help her younger sister Katya regain her strength and joy in life after she becomes crippled by polio.

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