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The Bridegroom

par Linda Lael Miller

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Séries: Stone Creek (5)

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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

#1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller returns to the Arizona frontier in a tale of passion, adventure and dangerous promises....

Undercover agent Gideon Yarbro is renowned for stopping outlaws almost before they commit a crime. But now he must stop a wedding--despite the bride's resistance. Lydia Fairmont will lose everything if she doesn't honor her betrothal to a heartless banker. Unless she marries someone else instead...whether it's a love match or not.

Determined to honor his own decade-old promise to help Lydia, Gideon carries her off to Stone Creek and makes her his reluctant wife. Forget a honeymoon for "show"--not with a vengeful ex-fiancé on their trail and a hired gun on the loose. But there just might be hope for the marriage...and two hearts meant for each other.

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5 sur 5
I love this book. 5 stars. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
I love this book. 5 stars. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
Miller's Stone Creek series returns to the past for the story of Gideon Yarbro and his soul mate Lydia. The two met in an earlier book in this series when they were both children. Now grown, Lydia is engaged to marry a gross old rich man in order to save her family home. Desperately, she mails a letter Gideon had given her as a child with the statement, "If you ever need help, mail this letter and I'll come." The two reunite but have to deal with the evil machinations of the jilted fiance as well as Gideon's job trying to prevent a strike in a copper mine.
This volume in the series is heavier on plot than a lot of the others, particularly the contemporaries, which is actually a good thing. The romance parts are also more steamy than most of Miller's work. As always, it's lovely to revisit former characters and particularly with this chronological distance, the series' former main characters have aged and produced multiple children. ( )
  EmScape | Jun 10, 2014 |
Loved it, i'm really enjoying this family...will be sad when i read the last one ( )
  Talaskat | Oct 8, 2013 |
The Bridegroom is a sweet romance novel with happily-ever-after ending. This is definitely a romance that follows a formula. You have the creepy not so attractive man taking advantage of a young woman's vulnerabiltiy and financial troubles; you have the handsome hero with pain in the past that holds him back from giving in to love; there's a bit of danger; and there is a happily-ever-after, with a fairy-tale ending. However, the heroine is not one of those TSTL women who do silly things.

The Bridegroom is about a younger brother of some former outlaws-turned-respectable men and his childhood friend. Lydia is about to marry an older man that she doesn't really like just to save her elderly aunts and their home from foreclosure. She capriciously sends Gideon a letter to come save her, not really expecting him to get it. Gideon does receive the letter, gets her out of the wedding, along with her aunts and takes the whole kit and caboodle to Stone Creek where he is to work undercover at a copper mine.

The blurb on the bookcover is a little misleading. It gives the impression that Lydia will be able to keep everything, mansion, furnishings, etc. as long as she gets married. This isn't the case. If she marries Jacob Fitch, the banker who holds the mortages she will keep the mansion and all contents. If she marries anyone else, she loses everything except herself and her aunts. Gideon and Lydia end up marrying, to prevent Gideon from being arrested for kidnapping, and Lydia goes into the marriage with the clothes on her back, believing that she is marrying a mineworker and not expecting riches.

This is the story of how their marriage turns from a necessity to a real marriage (it's a romance) and Gideon's dangerous undercover work. Of course, at first Gideon tries to keep distant from Lydia, so he can leave when his job is done. He doesn't realize that this kind of thing never works out as planned.

The writing style in this third person narrative put me in mind of how someone would have told a story about 100 years ago. This type of prose worked well with a story set in 1915. I felt like I knew more about Gideon than Lydia; to me it felt like this was really his story. The book, though not one of the urban fantasies, or horror books I usually read, had me turning page after page to find out what was going to happen next. Even though this is the fourth book in a series that I haven't read, I was able to keep up with events. Ms Miller does not waste paragraphs on info dumps about previous characters. She gives you just enough to know who they are (and maybe read their story).

I would say that this book, though there were dangerous situations for the characters, was a sweet story about love,family, friends and loyalty. If you're looking for major conflicts with gritty realism, this book is not for you. If you feel like reading something with people rising to their best, and showing care and compassion towards others, this will be good for you. There is even a stray puppy.

Linda Lael Miller has been writing for many years and doesn't waste time with a lot of silly dialogue; if you're not into the romance genre a few scenes in this book might be a bit mushy for you, though not too much. Gideon's story is the latest in a small series about Stone Creek, mainly focusing on Yarbro men, who have all found redemption from the outlaw life; except Gideon was very young while his brothers were running outside the law. Ms Miller's style of writing is easy to read, not stilted or stiff and I enjoyed the book.

There are quite a number of trilogies, and small series that Linda Lael Miller has written over the years. She has even written a few vampire novels, back in the early 1990's before paranormal romance became the huge trend it is now. Those books are Forever and the Night (1993), For All Eternity (1994), Time Without End (1995), and Tonight and Always (1996).

Again, if you feel like reading a book that will leave you with a serene enjoyment of a happy ending, then pick up one of Linda Lael Miller's romances (oh geez, that totally sounded like a commercial) If you aren't into happily ever afters; if you like more gritty realism or more suspense, then this probably isn't the book for you. I would call this a gentle romance. ( )
  Mardel | Jul 28, 2009 |
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Linda Lael Millerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Garrett, JackReaderauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Trouw, MiekeTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

#1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller returns to the Arizona frontier in a tale of passion, adventure and dangerous promises....

Undercover agent Gideon Yarbro is renowned for stopping outlaws almost before they commit a crime. But now he must stop a wedding--despite the bride's resistance. Lydia Fairmont will lose everything if she doesn't honor her betrothal to a heartless banker. Unless she marries someone else instead...whether it's a love match or not.

Determined to honor his own decade-old promise to help Lydia, Gideon carries her off to Stone Creek and makes her his reluctant wife. Forget a honeymoon for "show"--not with a vengeful ex-fiancé on their trail and a hired gun on the loose. But there just might be hope for the marriage...and two hearts meant for each other.


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