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The Duke's Captive

par Adele Ashworth

Séries: Winter Garden (4)

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1023275,573 (3.41)2
"Adele certain to become one of Romance's most beloved writers." --Lisa Kleypas   The first of three dashing, daring, and utterly unforgettable dukes takes the stage in The Duke's Captive--book one in an enthralling new historical romance series from USA Today bestseller and Rita Award winner Adele Ashworth.  An author whose novels have been called, "exquisitely written and brimming with emotion" by the inimitable Julia Quinn, Adele Ashworth enchants again with the breathtaking story of a duke's revenge undone by the power of passionate love.… (plus d'informations)

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I enjoyed reading this book. I wanted more background information but need to read the other books to get that. ( )
  EdenSteffey | Mar 14, 2018 |
4.5 starsProbably if I read it at any other time this would be a keeper but my mood was too bad to really grasp its worth. Anyway, I loved it and will definitely read more books by Ms Ashworth as soon as possible.PS: This has been compared to [b:Claiming the Courtesan|537425|Claiming the Courtesan|Anna Campbell||524854] and while I see the similarities, in the end I hated CtC with a passion but loved this, so don't let your dislike for one book prevent you from reading the other (if that's the reason you haven't read it yet). ( )
  faniP | Aug 24, 2012 |
I have not yet read Ashworth's work "A Notorious Proposition" but "The Duke's Captive" seems to be closely related. While much of the background of the hero and heroine's relationship from the prior book is explained as the book progresses, I did feel like the book started in the middle of the story. That being said, the story was very unique and the hero and heroine were intriguing. At times the story was uncomfortable but it is well worth a read. ( )
  reesa00 | Oct 10, 2010 |
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Ian Wentworth stared out the window of his study into the dull, gray morning, the rolling hills of Stamford hidden by what remained of a nighttime fog.
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"Adele certain to become one of Romance's most beloved writers." --Lisa Kleypas   The first of three dashing, daring, and utterly unforgettable dukes takes the stage in The Duke's Captive--book one in an enthralling new historical romance series from USA Today bestseller and Rita Award winner Adele Ashworth.  An author whose novels have been called, "exquisitely written and brimming with emotion" by the inimitable Julia Quinn, Adele Ashworth enchants again with the breathtaking story of a duke's revenge undone by the power of passionate love.

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