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Dawn in Eclipse Bay

par Jayne Ann Krentz

Séries: Eclipse Bay (2)

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5861442,256 (3.64)7
From New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz comes the second novel in a dramatic trilogy set in breathtaking Eclipse Bay, a town filled with rivalries as fierce and compelling as the rugged Oregon coast . . . Nothing was ever simple between a Madison and a Harte. The feud that had divided their families still simmered. Now, only months after their siblings' wedding, Lilian Harte and Gabe Madison are at each other's throats. Successful CEO Gabe had insisted on becoming a client of Lilian's matchmaking service. And after five disastrous dates, Lilian is at her wit's end. If she hadn't already decided to close her business and move home to Eclipse Bay, Gabe would have been the final straw. But when she finds Gabe at her door demanding she fulfill their business contract, the sparks between them suddenly turn personal. Once again, Eclipse Bay will witness a showdown-between a relentless Madison and an irresistible Harte . . .… (plus d'informations)

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Dawn in Eclipse Bay
Book #2 in Eclipse Bay
3 Stars

Gabe Madison is "in want of a wife" and signs up to Lillian Harte's matchmaking service. Unfortunately, all his dates are a bust and Lillian has given up on him but he insists on getting his money's worth and follows her to Eclipse Bay. Once there, Lillian and Gabe realize that everything they want and need has been right in front of them the entire time.

A disappointing follow up to the first book.

Gabe and Lillian are an engaging couple and their banter is entertaining right off the bat. However, there is no real development in their relationship and it remains unclear as to why and how they even fall in love.

Once again, the Harte/Madison feud fails to resonate and even comes across as ridiculous and futile (on the other hand, aren't most family feuds like this). There are also too many Harte/Madison generalizations, i.e., "nothing comes between a Madison and his passion" is completely overdone - we got it the first time.

The suspense story is mediocre and lacks the build up and intrigue of the one in Eclipse Bay. The identity of the culprit is glaringly obvious and the motive outlandish.

While this book was only so-so, I will finish the trilogy as Nick and Octavia are an interesting couple and I want to find out about Octavia's agenda in Eclipse Bay. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
Better than book 1. Lillian was much less annoying than Hannah, so this story was much less annoying than the first story. However the big "mystery" or suspense part of the story was kind of lame and it's big climax was a disappointment. The relationship between Lillian and Gabe was sweet, but a bit lackluster. I never saw much feeling of passion between them. I didn't get the sense that Lillian was Gabe's passion. I felt he loved his business more than her. But I appreciate the fact that they got their happily ever after and the lead in to book 3 with Nick and Octavia was interesting. I don't remember much about book 3, but I'm curious to rediscover it. ( )
  NickyM96 | Nov 21, 2022 |
A quick romance with a little bit of mystery. Lillian Harte decided to close her matchmaking business and move back to Eclipse Bay to become a full time painter. Gabe Madison decides he wants Lillian and travels to Eclipse Bay on a supposed holiday. What happens when a Harte and a Madison are seen together? One of Jayne Ann Krentz earlier books that was okay, but not as good as her later ones. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
Dawn in Eclipse Bay
Book #2 in Eclipse Bay
3 Stars

Gabe Madison is "in want of a wife" and signs up to Lillian Harte's matchmaking service. Unfortunately, all his dates are a bust and Lillian has given up on him but he insists on getting his money's worth and follows her to Eclipse Bay. Once there, Lillian and Gabe realize that everything they want and need has been right in front of them the entire time.

A disappointing follow up to the first book.

Gabe and Lillian are an engaging couple and their banter is entertaining right off the bat. However, there is no real development in their relationship and it remains unclear as to why and how they even fall in love.

Once again, the Harte/Madison feud fails to resonate and even comes across as ridiculous and futile (on the other hand, aren't most family feuds like this). There are also too many Harte/Madison generalizations, i.e., "nothing comes between a Madison and his passion" is completely overdone - we got it the first time.

The suspense story is mediocre and lacks the build up and intrigue of the one in Eclipse Bay. The identity of the culprit is glaringly obvious and the motive outlandish.

While this book was only so-so, I will finish the trilogy as Nick and Octavia are an interesting couple and I want to find out about Octavia's agenda in Eclipse Bay. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |
ereader ebook
  romsfuulynn | Apr 28, 2013 |
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From New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz comes the second novel in a dramatic trilogy set in breathtaking Eclipse Bay, a town filled with rivalries as fierce and compelling as the rugged Oregon coast . . . Nothing was ever simple between a Madison and a Harte. The feud that had divided their families still simmered. Now, only months after their siblings' wedding, Lilian Harte and Gabe Madison are at each other's throats. Successful CEO Gabe had insisted on becoming a client of Lilian's matchmaking service. And after five disastrous dates, Lilian is at her wit's end. If she hadn't already decided to close her business and move home to Eclipse Bay, Gabe would have been the final straw. But when she finds Gabe at her door demanding she fulfill their business contract, the sparks between them suddenly turn personal. Once again, Eclipse Bay will witness a showdown-between a relentless Madison and an irresistible Harte . . .

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Moyenne: (3.64)
2 4
2.5 1
3 43
3.5 11
4 31
4.5 1
5 18

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