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Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery (1987)

par Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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761730,726 (3.95)3
The Enneagram is an extraordinary framework for understanding more about ourselves. No matter from which point of view we approach it, we discover fresh conjunctions of new and old ideas." So writes Don Riso in this expanded edition of his classic interpretation of the Enneagram, the ancient psychological system used to understand the human personality. In addition to updating the descriptions of the nine personality types, Personality Types, Revised greatly expands the accompanying guidelines and, for the first time, uncovers the Core Dynamics, or Levels of Development, within each type. This skeletal system provides far more information about the inner tension and movements of the nine personalities than has previously been published. This increased specificity will allow therapists, social workers, personnel managers, students of the Enneagram, and general readers alike to use it with much greater precision as they unlock the secrets of self-understanding, and thus self-transformation.… (plus d'informations)

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While [b:The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types|311053|The Wisdom of the Enneagram The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types|Don Richard Riso||301982] is now my go-to enneagram reference it's very broad but not deep. This earlier book by the same authors dives into the Levels of Development for each type to a far greater level. It helps the enneagram practitioner better understand how their client is functioning and sets paths for reaching expansion and more full expression of their essence. ( )
  pmtracy | Dec 17, 2019 |
Librería 2. Estante 3.
  atman2019 | Jul 17, 2019 |
Sometimes I get skeptical reactions from people when I tell them I like reading about personality types, as if I were talking about astrological signs. Fair enough... but these same people often talk about introvert/extrovert, or thinker/feeler, or leader/follower, so the belief in personality traits is there, though not organized. The enneagram organizes personality traits. Take the bits that seem true to you, and find it easier to understand people. ( )
  Joanna.Oyzon | Apr 17, 2018 |
Je hoeft er niet in te geloven om ermee te werken! Het enneagram is een handig hulpmiddel om veel uiteenlopende personages te creëren.
  Heldinne | Oct 25, 2009 |
Sometimes I get skeptical reactions from people when I tell them I like reading about personality types, as if I were talking about astrological signs. Fair enough... but these same people often talk about introvert/extrovert, or thinker/feeler, or leader/follower, so the belief in personality traits is there, though not organized. The enneagram organizes personality traits. Take the bits that seem true to you, and find it easier to understand people. ( )
  foxwrapped | Sep 30, 2008 |
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Don Richard Risoauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Hudson, Russauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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I am a man: nothing human is alien to me. -- Terence
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This book is dedicated to whose who made it possible. They know who they are. They have my love and deepest gratitude.
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Preface -- If there is one single overriding theme in my interpretation of the Enneagram, it is the need to acknowledge and understand our inner states so that we can begin to move beyond them.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

The Enneagram is an extraordinary framework for understanding more about ourselves. No matter from which point of view we approach it, we discover fresh conjunctions of new and old ideas." So writes Don Riso in this expanded edition of his classic interpretation of the Enneagram, the ancient psychological system used to understand the human personality. In addition to updating the descriptions of the nine personality types, Personality Types, Revised greatly expands the accompanying guidelines and, for the first time, uncovers the Core Dynamics, or Levels of Development, within each type. This skeletal system provides far more information about the inner tension and movements of the nine personalities than has previously been published. This increased specificity will allow therapists, social workers, personnel managers, students of the Enneagram, and general readers alike to use it with much greater precision as they unlock the secrets of self-understanding, and thus self-transformation.

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