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The Pleasure's All Mine: Memoir of a Professional Submissive

par Joan Kelly

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845330,676 (3.4)1
When Joan Kelly took a weekend job as a professional submissive in a private dungeon, it seemed she'd finally found a perfect outlet for her pent-up desires. Suddenly, Joan was being paid to do things she'd only fantasized about. Having spent several years scouring the Internet unsuccessfully for a man who would dominate her in the bedroom without getting on her nerves outside of it, Joan had nearly lost hope of satisfying her sexually submissive urges. Now, using her professional name, "Marnie," she was being paid to do only what she felt like with kinky men who didn't even expect to have any real sex in their sessions. To Joan, it almost felt like being paid to practice the art of self-centeredness---except for the part where she had to kneel and address strangers as "Master." The Pleasure's All Mine offers the reader a rare, intimate, often amusing, sometimes disturbing look into the life of a professional submissive---one whose drive for self-acceptance and respect is as relentless as her sexual need for the services she provides. Readers will experience many humorous, bizarre, frightening, and utterly entertaining events through the perceptive and insightful eyes of this writer.… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
Brief, flat and unenlightening; unmotivated and unexplained snapshots rather than the memoir of a life or career. ( )
  sfj2 | May 12, 2024 |
An interesting story from a perspective I at least haven't heard much from: the submissive. I went from not understanding why someone would want to be out of control to understanding and sympathizing with the narrator. The author has also got a good feel for drama and I was at no point bored with her story. ( )
  Audacity88 | Feb 7, 2014 |
An interesting look into the world of BDSM from a perspective not often seen. A quick read, not terribly well written. ( )
  eenee | Apr 2, 2013 |
Joan has the luck not only to be able to take a lot of punishment but also to get pleasure from taking it. She tells how she works as a professional submissive, first in a club and then working for herself.

I didn't find the book every arousing, and there was not enough detailed info about how it is to such a sub and I found her rather whiney and the book abity tedious. ( )
  rex_talbot | Jan 5, 2013 |
I hadn't read a memoir before and I hadn't read anything on bdsm before, so this was a new experience on several fronts. Kelly's style was very smooth and accessible. I laughed, I was saddened, I was turned on, it was wonderful. ( )
  mcmollie | Feb 5, 2008 |
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When Joan Kelly took a weekend job as a professional submissive in a private dungeon, it seemed she'd finally found a perfect outlet for her pent-up desires. Suddenly, Joan was being paid to do things she'd only fantasized about. Having spent several years scouring the Internet unsuccessfully for a man who would dominate her in the bedroom without getting on her nerves outside of it, Joan had nearly lost hope of satisfying her sexually submissive urges. Now, using her professional name, "Marnie," she was being paid to do only what she felt like with kinky men who didn't even expect to have any real sex in their sessions. To Joan, it almost felt like being paid to practice the art of self-centeredness---except for the part where she had to kneel and address strangers as "Master." The Pleasure's All Mine offers the reader a rare, intimate, often amusing, sometimes disturbing look into the life of a professional submissive---one whose drive for self-acceptance and respect is as relentless as her sexual need for the services she provides. Readers will experience many humorous, bizarre, frightening, and utterly entertaining events through the perceptive and insightful eyes of this writer.

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