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Following Christ (1996)

par Joseph M. Stowell

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Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God's kingdom in this world? You can and you don't have to be a great leader for it to happen. Just a good follower. In Following Christ, Joseph Stowell shows why Christ's command to "Follow me" isn't merely the starting point of Christianity. It's the very heartbeat of vibrant, effective faith. And it's not just for a few gifted leaders, but for all believers. "Christianity is a relationship, an adventure, a passionate pursuit of Christ," says Stowell. "Followers escape the drudgery of a system of rituals and regulations, and revel in the discovery of the ever-interesting Christ." Stowell shows you what happens when an ordinary man or woman pursues not the trappings of Christianity, but Christ himself. You'll discover - What a "non-negotiated" follower looks like - Why God does his best work through followers - Why self-directed living is a recipe for emptiness - What makes Christ so worth following - How Christ transforms our character - What it means to pick up your cross - Why a close walk with Jesus is the key to effective living. This inspiring book cuts through the side-issues of Christianity to reveal its true, compelling object: Jesus Christ. As his fully devoted follower, you'll discover a dynamic and refreshing way of living one that will sustain you through life's valleys and provide breathtaking spiritual vistas from its peaks. It's Christianity the way God intended it, marked by simplicity. Vigorous faith. Purpose and direction. Soul-winning impact on those around you. And above all, a joyous, growing closeness with Christ.… (plus d'informations)

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  semoffat | Aug 9, 2021 |
From the Publisher:

Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God's kingdom in this world? You can -- and you don't have to be a great leader for it to happen. Just a good follower. In Following Christ, Joseph Stowell shows why Christ's command to "Follow me" isn't merely the starting point of Christianity. It's the very heartbeat of vibrant, effective faith. And it's not just for a few gifted leaders, but for all believers. Stowell shows you what happens when an ordinary man or woman pursues not the trappings of Christianity, but Christ himself. You'll discover - What a "non-negotiated follower" looks like - Why God does his best work through followers - Why self-directed living is a recipe for emptiness - What makes Christ so worth following - What it means to pick up your cross - Why a close walk with Jesus is the key to effective living -- Following Christ paints a compelling portrait of Christianity the way God intended it, marked by simplicity, vigorous faith, purpose and direction, soul-winning impact on others . . . and above all, a joyous, growing closeness with Christ.
  PeaceUMC | May 8, 2007 |
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To Joy, Rod, and Debbie, who married our children and have brought an expanded sense of joy and delight to our family
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Ghandi was asked by a close friend, "If you admire Christ so much, why don't you become a Christian?"
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Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God's kingdom in this world? You can and you don't have to be a great leader for it to happen. Just a good follower. In Following Christ, Joseph Stowell shows why Christ's command to "Follow me" isn't merely the starting point of Christianity. It's the very heartbeat of vibrant, effective faith. And it's not just for a few gifted leaders, but for all believers. "Christianity is a relationship, an adventure, a passionate pursuit of Christ," says Stowell. "Followers escape the drudgery of a system of rituals and regulations, and revel in the discovery of the ever-interesting Christ." Stowell shows you what happens when an ordinary man or woman pursues not the trappings of Christianity, but Christ himself. You'll discover - What a "non-negotiated" follower looks like - Why God does his best work through followers - Why self-directed living is a recipe for emptiness - What makes Christ so worth following - How Christ transforms our character - What it means to pick up your cross - Why a close walk with Jesus is the key to effective living. This inspiring book cuts through the side-issues of Christianity to reveal its true, compelling object: Jesus Christ. As his fully devoted follower, you'll discover a dynamic and refreshing way of living one that will sustain you through life's valleys and provide breathtaking spiritual vistas from its peaks. It's Christianity the way God intended it, marked by simplicity. Vigorous faith. Purpose and direction. Soul-winning impact on those around you. And above all, a joyous, growing closeness with Christ.

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