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Fear: The Friend of Exceptional People: How to Turn Negative Attitudes in to Positive Outcomes

par Geoff Thompson

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Learn to conquer your fear with Geoff Thompson, world renowned martial artist. Whatever it is in life that you are afraid of, from spiders to public speaking, from job interviews to physical combat, Geoff has proven techniques to help you. His unique fear pyramid system will enable you to build confidence stage by stage... before you know it, even your biggest fears will be overcome.… (plus d'informations)

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Things I liked:

- Easy language, plenty of examples. Step models about breaking down fear seemed good.

Things I thought could be better:

- Sometimes seemed like he was trying to talk like a scientist (which I thought was weak) vs arguments based on his own experience and approaches (which I thought was stronger).
- I would have enjoyed more examples/interviews from the office-workplace vs physical-combat domain (and it's extensions like army, police etc).

Lessons learned

- Adrenaline is often misinterpreted as 'fear' when in fact it is just a biological sub process that alerts us to an active context for fight/flight.
- Take action to mitigate the impact of fear.
- Action vs 'right action', don't get sucked into analysis/paralysis.

- How to take action in a non-combat scenario (easy, low impact actions to take).
- OODA Loops (Observe Orient Decide Act).

( )
  benkaboo | Aug 18, 2022 |

Chapter One What is fear?
Chapter Two The first step
Chapter Three A few home truths
Chapter Four What are you afraid of?
Chapter Five Comfort zones
Chapter Six Step two
Chapter Seven The inner opponent
Chapter Eight The treatment
Chapter Nine Principles of exposure therapy
Chapter Ten The fear pyramid
Chapter Eleven Visualisation
Chapter Twelve Dealing with killjoys
Chapter Thirteen Hurdles and pitfalls
Chapter Fourteen Interviews
Interview 1 Peter Mathews
Interview 2 Andy Davis
Interview 3 Pat Leemy
Interview 4 Jim MacDonnell
Interview 5 Robin Horsfall
  AikiBib | Aug 14, 2022 |
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Learn to conquer your fear with Geoff Thompson, world renowned martial artist. Whatever it is in life that you are afraid of, from spiders to public speaking, from job interviews to physical combat, Geoff has proven techniques to help you. His unique fear pyramid system will enable you to build confidence stage by stage... before you know it, even your biggest fears will be overcome.

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