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Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis

par Miriam E. Nelson

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651418,308 (4.17)Aucun
Athritis afflicts millions of people in Britain, and is the cause of often permanent and excruciating pain, extreme immobility and early retirement. This book shows the connection between a strength-training programme you can do at home, and the reduction - even prevention - of arthritis symptoms. The author's own research study has shown that this exercise programme resulted in: a 43 per cent reduction in pain; a 44 per cent improvement in physical function; and a 71 per cent improvement in strenth. The full programme, as set out in this book, offers: exercises to protect the joints and relieve stiffness and soreness; a scientifically-based eating plan to reduce inflammation and pain; a guide to the latest medications (in 2003); the true story behind complementary therapies - which work and which don't; and proven strategies for overcoming arthritis-related depression.… (plus d'informations)

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Possible. Mostly exercise
  jhawn | Jul 31, 2017 |
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Even to roll over, the pain woke me up. I was so depressed. I had just resigned myself to the fact that I couldn't do much. My doctor had written in his notes, "Liz is depressed, debilitated." When I saw that, it really made me want to cry. -- Liz, 46
My left knee had been hurting since my late fifties. Nothing seemed to work. By 10:00 in the morning, I had pain in my leg. I could never take a walk without stopping. It was hard to drive. My knee would stiffen. -- Sister Mary Patrice, 71
My hip felt like it was burning, combined with a dull ache. I was thinking about the pain all the time, resigned to the fact that I had a pretty shabby quality of life ahead of me. -- Fred, 37
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We dedicate this book to Liz, Sister Mary Patrice, Deborah, and all of the other study volunteers who have iven so much in the hope that the research will help others with arthritis.
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[Preface] Only a few times in a scientist's career can he or she expect the results of a study to be much more successful than originally hypothesized.
Whether you have arthritis yourself or know someone else who has it, you are intimately familiar with the pain it can inflict, the depression, and sometimes the sense of hopelessness.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Athritis afflicts millions of people in Britain, and is the cause of often permanent and excruciating pain, extreme immobility and early retirement. This book shows the connection between a strength-training programme you can do at home, and the reduction - even prevention - of arthritis symptoms. The author's own research study has shown that this exercise programme resulted in: a 43 per cent reduction in pain; a 44 per cent improvement in physical function; and a 71 per cent improvement in strenth. The full programme, as set out in this book, offers: exercises to protect the joints and relieve stiffness and soreness; a scientifically-based eating plan to reduce inflammation and pain; a guide to the latest medications (in 2003); the true story behind complementary therapies - which work and which don't; and proven strategies for overcoming arthritis-related depression.

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