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Enough Already!: Clearing Mental Clutter to Become the Best You

par Peter Walsh

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Does it seem like everything is moving so fast these days you can barely keep up? Do you sometimes feel that your life is spinning out of control? Most of us are so overwhelmed by the stuff in our daily lives -- work, bills, family commitments, demands from our kids' schools -- that we rush from person to person and place to place. For many of us, life feels completely out of balance because we give one area of our lives too much attention and the other areas nowhere near enough. This crazy imbalance and the resulting stress and unhappiness you feel are the clutter that Peter Walsh wants to help you tackle in Enough Already!: Clearing Mental Clutter to Become the Best You. Peter examines the six key areas of your life -- Family, Relationships, Work, Health, Money, and Spirituality -- and shows how these unique parts of your life are so interrelated that if just one is cluttered, that clutter will creep into the other areas and throw your life off balance. He then offers a step-by-step plan that helps you acknowledge and address the emotional and mental clutter that holds you back from living the richly fulfilling life you deserve. Peter knows that freeing up a cluttered life (and mind) can sometimes take even greater work and commitment than clearing out a cluttered home, but he is determined to help you change. With his wry humor, his constant encouragement, and the specific tips and practical advice he offers, Peter helps you prioritize what matters in your life. Then his straightforward approach shows you how to let go of the stress and clutter and regain your balance, focus, energy, and purpose. By following his simple plan you will begin to view your life and how you spend your time and energy in a completely new way. You will finally be able to live a stress-free life of balance and fulfillment -- the life that's been buried under all your emotional clutter for years and the one you've always imagined.… (plus d'informations)

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Very helpful and easy to listen to (audio book read by the author)! I enjoyed it. ( )
  TerriS | Jul 7, 2017 |
There were some good ideas and thoughts in this book about how we can clear clutter from other aspects of our lives, similar to how we would clear physical clutter. However, I found the book was cluttered (yes, cluttered) with a lot of worksheets and activity sheets -- some were helpful, but most were not. Also, I felt that many times the author was treading into territory he did not have much knowledge or expertise about and should have consulted or referenced other sources in those areas to make his statements more credible. When he talks about clearing physical clutter, which is his area of expertise, he does provide some good and practical information. However, if you really want to read a good book about clearing physical clutter, I recommend his earlier book "It's All Too Much." I thought that book was much better. ( )
  writerfidora | Oct 26, 2015 |
I read a few reviews, and some people complained that this book didn't go into as much detail they would have liked, but to be fair, Walsh mentions in this book that he wrote about organization and decluttering and body issues in his previous books, "It's All Too Much!," "The It's All Too Much Workbook" and "Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?" I haven't read the last one, but after reading this book, I might add it to the TBR pile. You might want to read those three books first, if you aren't familiar with Walsh's work.

The book follows a basic format, focusing on six aspects of life, covered in six chapters of the book: relationships, work, family, money, health and well-being. Walsh talks about how all six aspects of life are impacted by clutter: environmental clutter, mental clutter, financial clutter, relationship clutter, physical clutter in the form of fat and poor health, and spiritual cluttter. Then he goes on to address the issues posed by these different aspects of life and the clutter associated with them. After that, he breaks down each segment or chapter into "Imagine the (aspect of life) you want," "clear the clutter of unreal expectations," "watch out for obstacles," and "declutter your (fill in aspect of life here), ending with "And then there's the stuff." There were some chapters that were hard for me to relate to, including the "Family" chapter, because it focused mostly on the nuclear family, with parents and children. I'm in my 50's, single and my parents are no longer living and I don't have that much physical interaction with my siblings, since we don't live near each other. I have a roommate, but we get along very well and communicate well with each other, so thankfully, no problems there. Also I couldn't relate to work, because it focused mostly on people with careers. I'm retired on disability, and while I do volunteer work, my life is relatively low-stress. I couldn't relate to the relationship segment at all, since it seemed to focus mostly on couples living together, which I've never done. So, as you can see, the book mostly addresses the needs of couples with children or parents, neither of which I have. That said, I found the chapters on money, health and well-being to be very helpful. On the other hand, now I'm worried about what's going to happen when I turn 65. The chapter on health gave me a lot to think about, because I have some health problems. The chapter on well-being was inspiring for me, because as it turns out, that's one aspect of my life where I'm generally content and satisfied.

In summary, if you're looking to take a deeper look into Peter Walsh's methods, I would suggest reading the first three books mentioned above before reading this one. Also, be prepared to do the exercises included to get the full impact of the Peter Walsh decluttering experience. ( )
  harrietbrown | Aug 27, 2015 |
There were some good ideas and thoughts in this book about how we can clear clutter from other aspects of our lives, similar to how we would clear physical clutter. However, I found the book was cluttered (yes, cluttered) with a lot of worksheets and activity sheets -- some were helpful, but most were not. Also, I felt that many times the author was treading into territory he did not have much knowledge or expertise about and should have consulted or referenced other sources in those areas to make his statements more credible. When he talks about clearing physical clutter, which is his area of expertise, he does provide some good and practical information. However, if you really want to read a good book about clearing physical clutter, I recommend his earlier book "It's All Too Much." I thought that book was much better. ( )
  AdrienneJS | May 18, 2015 |
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Does it seem like everything is moving so fast these days you can barely keep up? Do you sometimes feel that your life is spinning out of control? Most of us are so overwhelmed by the stuff in our daily lives -- work, bills, family commitments, demands from our kids' schools -- that we rush from person to person and place to place. For many of us, life feels completely out of balance because we give one area of our lives too much attention and the other areas nowhere near enough. This crazy imbalance and the resulting stress and unhappiness you feel are the clutter that Peter Walsh wants to help you tackle in Enough Already!: Clearing Mental Clutter to Become the Best You. Peter examines the six key areas of your life -- Family, Relationships, Work, Health, Money, and Spirituality -- and shows how these unique parts of your life are so interrelated that if just one is cluttered, that clutter will creep into the other areas and throw your life off balance. He then offers a step-by-step plan that helps you acknowledge and address the emotional and mental clutter that holds you back from living the richly fulfilling life you deserve. Peter knows that freeing up a cluttered life (and mind) can sometimes take even greater work and commitment than clearing out a cluttered home, but he is determined to help you change. With his wry humor, his constant encouragement, and the specific tips and practical advice he offers, Peter helps you prioritize what matters in your life. Then his straightforward approach shows you how to let go of the stress and clutter and regain your balance, focus, energy, and purpose. By following his simple plan you will begin to view your life and how you spend your time and energy in a completely new way. You will finally be able to live a stress-free life of balance and fulfillment -- the life that's been buried under all your emotional clutter for years and the one you've always imagined.

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