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The Bruised Reed (1630)

par Richard Sibbes

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1,517512,485 (4.48)2
First Published in 1631, "The Bruised Reed" is the widely read and inspiring classic by Richard Sibbes, the 17th century English theologian and preacher. Sibbes was an important spiritual leader during the early days of the Anglican Church under Queen Elizabeth I. He was also a vocal supporter of traditional Puritan religious doctrine and encouraged the faithful to worship according to the English "Book of Common Prayer". Sibbes was well-known during his life for his kindness, his messages of hope and forgiveness, and for his gentle and temperate style of preaching and writing. "The Bruised Reed" is the most well-known and enduring work by Sibbes and continues to be read all over the world. Inspired by a remark made by Jesus in Matthew 12 that "a bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out", Sibbes explains that the foundation for a true Christian life may only be found in surrendering one's life to God and putting faith in God's plan for mankind. This timeless work of Christianity is cherished for its comforting and encouraging message that God will never abandon his followers and that the love of Christ is never wavering.… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
great book. love that I read this and Crook in same year. ( )
  Isaiah40 | Sep 7, 2021 |
在本书中,清教徒传道人薛伯斯探讨以赛亚书四十二章1~3节,提供温柔、高举基督的诠释和应用。 薛伯斯依循马太对这处经文的解释,认为它在耶稣基督的生平与事奉中应验了(太十二18~20)。 他的讲解基本上分为三个部分:(1) 基督不折断压伤的芦苇;(2) 基督不吹灭将残的灯火;(3) 基督不做这两件事,直到祂施行公理,叫公理得胜。 薛伯斯分这三个标题来解释主要的经文,然后在全书各处穿插着深入人心的应用。 在你的属灵旅程中,无论是刚开始寻求神,与祂建立关系,在你与祂的关系中奋力前行,或者一直顺服神和祂的旨意,这本书都会带给你安慰、鼓励、盼望与帮助。

《压伤的芦苇》自一六三零年首次出版以来,为无数人带来属灵的安慰与帮助。 理查˙巴克斯特(Richard Baxter)忆述:「一位贫穷的小贩来到我家门前,...... 父亲从他那里买来薛伯斯的这本《压伤的芦苇》。 …… 它正切合我当时的需要,...... 它把神的爱更多地向我揭开,活泼地阐述救赎的奥秘,我何等感激耶稣基督。 …… 神就是喜欢借着书本让我释疑,重回祂的怀抱。 」这些见证与日俱增。 钟马田(Martyn Lloyd Jones)医生在他的著作《讲道与讲道的人》里提出,最切合讲道者在任何境况下需要阅读的书:

你需要自己去挖掘,在不同的情形当中,你需要读些甚么。 我认为,大体上你会发现,清教徒的作品通常总是有帮助的。 我不能过多进入这个话题,但有各式各样的清教徒! 总体来说,约翰˙欧文(John Owen)的书比较难读,他是一个知识水平很高的人。 有的清教徒作家则比较温和,更直率,更具实践性。 我对他们其中一个叫理查德˙薛伯斯的人一直非常感恩。 有一段时期,我曾经操劳过度、疲惫不堪,因此受到魔鬼不同寻常的攻击。 这种状态和情形之下,读神学作品解决不了问题。 事实上,根本不可能解决问题,你需要的是温和、柔软的灵性治疗。 那时我发现,十七世纪早期,薛伯斯在伦敦被誉为「天堂医生薛伯斯」,他的著作是一剂永恒的良药。 他的《压伤的芦苇》和《灵魂的冲突》,平息、安抚、安慰、鼓励、医治了我。 有的牧师在必须走过的各个灵性阶段中,还不知道有甚么良药适合自己,我很同情这样的人。
  OCMCCP | Jan 8, 2018 |
Amazing. It's pretty deep though, and since it was first written in 1630 it's no light read. It requires concentration and thought, and I'm willing to bet I'll be able to reread it multiple times and get more and more from it. In fact, that's what I plan on doing.

I'm surprised I've never heard of this before, because Richard Sibbes writes words of comfort and, more importantly, truth. Even though the writing sometimes has difficult wordings, he makes the truth of God very clear and simple. I would recommend it to all readers, as long as they aren't too scared putting thought and work into what they're reading. ( )
  BrynDahlquis | Dec 6, 2013 |
A beautiful, pastoral little book -- I'd recommend it to all Christians who tend to be melancholic, over-scrupulous or spiritually anxious. ( )
  LudieGrace | Dec 4, 2013 |
For anyone who has been wounded in this world, and that is everyone, if we're honest with ourselves and God, Sibbes' words are full of grace and comfort. He points us to Jesus Christ who heals the afflicted. "The Lord builds up Jerusalem, brings back her captive sons. He binds up all their wounds and heals the broken-hearted ones." Psalm 147 ( )
1 voter yangguy | Jun 19, 2007 |
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First Published in 1631, "The Bruised Reed" is the widely read and inspiring classic by Richard Sibbes, the 17th century English theologian and preacher. Sibbes was an important spiritual leader during the early days of the Anglican Church under Queen Elizabeth I. He was also a vocal supporter of traditional Puritan religious doctrine and encouraged the faithful to worship according to the English "Book of Common Prayer". Sibbes was well-known during his life for his kindness, his messages of hope and forgiveness, and for his gentle and temperate style of preaching and writing. "The Bruised Reed" is the most well-known and enduring work by Sibbes and continues to be read all over the world. Inspired by a remark made by Jesus in Matthew 12 that "a bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out", Sibbes explains that the foundation for a true Christian life may only be found in surrendering one's life to God and putting faith in God's plan for mankind. This timeless work of Christianity is cherished for its comforting and encouraging message that God will never abandon his followers and that the love of Christ is never wavering.

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