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All Dogs Have ADHD

par Kathy Hoopmann

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1679169,266 (4.11)4
This delightful revised edition of All Dogs Have ADHD takes an inspiring and affectionate look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). With all-new images from the canine world, it explores a variety of traits that will be instantly recognisable to those who are familiar with ADHD. Charming colour photographs of dogs bring to life familiar ADHD characteristics such as being restless and excitable, getting easily distracted, and acting on impulse. It combines humour with understanding to reflect the difficulties and joys of raising a child with ADHD and celebrates what it means to be considered 'different'.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

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All Dogs Have ADHD has to be one of my favorite children's books. It is so cute and it doesn't make a child feel like they are being called out. They can see how other animals also have ADHD through the pictures that correlate with the explanation of symptoms or characteristics of a child with ADHD. Such a great read for the 2nd-3rd grade. ( )
  Ldurig19 | Apr 23, 2021 |
This book is good for ages k-2nd, it highlights ADHD in a non-judgmental way and demonstrates the importance of loving everyone. It tells a great story and uses pictures of dogs instead of people, a downside to this book is that the book uses "he" and "his" a lot which can make girls feel left out.
  EmilyWagner | Apr 12, 2021 |
Uplifting book for a child with ADHD and their family to explain their unique potential. Full of beautiful photos, this book will appeal to animal lovers everywhere!
  ThePinesLibrary | Jun 3, 2020 |
Pictures of dogs in usual and unusual positions help illustrate how the behaviors of people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are similar to those of dogs. ( )
  paula-childrenslib | Mar 9, 2015 |
I thought that this was a beautifully written book that shows the difficulties and frustrations that come with having ADHD. I loved that the author associates ADHD with dogs because then maybe more people will read it because they might have dogs in there family. So it is more relatable to some people. This book really does a good job of showing the how frustrating it may be for someone who has ADHD, they can't concentrate for long, and they get bored easily.

I also really liked the way that the author used photographs of dogs as pictures in the story. Each dog shows another characteristic of ADHD and I thought that this was very relatable for some people. While I was reading this I was thinking about my cousin who has ADHD and her dog, who I have seen in the same positions as the dogs pictured in the book.

The message in this book is that with the right support and encouragement anyone can achieve their dreams and I think that this is a good message for a children's book. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. I learned something new and I love books about dogs. ( )
  sreinh2 | Nov 29, 2014 |
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This delightful revised edition of All Dogs Have ADHD takes an inspiring and affectionate look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). With all-new images from the canine world, it explores a variety of traits that will be instantly recognisable to those who are familiar with ADHD. Charming colour photographs of dogs bring to life familiar ADHD characteristics such as being restless and excitable, getting easily distracted, and acting on impulse. It combines humour with understanding to reflect the difficulties and joys of raising a child with ADHD and celebrates what it means to be considered 'different'.

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Moyenne: (4.11)
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4 2
4.5 1
5 7

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