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Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell

par Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell

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1261224,347 (4.08)1
The art of Boris Vallejo is characterised by beautiful maidens, heroic men and fearsome monsters while the work of his wife Julie Bell is famous for a sense of colour and dramatic composition which puts her paintings in a class by themselves.   As two of the most acclaimed fantasy artists working today, Boris and Julie have produced art for album covers, trading cards, posters and calendars for (in Boris' case) 30 years - as well as having 15 books of their work published under the Paper Tiger imprint.   This book is a collection of all their greatest pieces throughout their careers, while also including some unseen new work. The book is arranged chronologically and divided into three main sections: early, middle and recent art. A narrative accompanies the paintings with captions for many of the pieces. The pages are also punctuated by quotes from Boris and Julie's peers in the fantasy art field and fans of their work, who pay homage to their art and comment on how their work has inspired them to become better artists.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 00
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Not sure why I bought this. I guess I thought I would find it more inspirational than it turned out to be. I already knew that I didn't care for Vallejo's art that much, because he makes all his figures look muscular and posed. This book just continued that. Julie Bell's art didn't inspire me either - she's really hung up on chrome. But even worse, between the two of them, few if any of the pictures seemed to actually tell a story. Too often it seemed like art for art's sake only. ( )
  MarkLacy | May 29, 2022 |
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Boris Vallejoauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bell, Julieauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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The art of Boris Vallejo is characterised by beautiful maidens, heroic men and fearsome monsters while the work of his wife Julie Bell is famous for a sense of colour and dramatic composition which puts her paintings in a class by themselves.   As two of the most acclaimed fantasy artists working today, Boris and Julie have produced art for album covers, trading cards, posters and calendars for (in Boris' case) 30 years - as well as having 15 books of their work published under the Paper Tiger imprint.   This book is a collection of all their greatest pieces throughout their careers, while also including some unseen new work. The book is arranged chronologically and divided into three main sections: early, middle and recent art. A narrative accompanies the paintings with captions for many of the pieces. The pages are also punctuated by quotes from Boris and Julie's peers in the fantasy art field and fans of their work, who pay homage to their art and comment on how their work has inspired them to become better artists.

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