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Spot's First Christmas

par Eric Hill

Séries: Spot

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460456,065 (3.79)4
A puppy's first Christmas is a time of many delights. Flaps conceal parts of the illustrations.

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4 sur 4
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
There are two reasons I like this book. First, I liked the buildup of the story. From the beginning of the story to almost the very end, Spot is very excited about Christmas, especially the presents. He is continuously trying to find presents on Christmas Eve but his mom keeps telling him to stop it. Finally, Christmas morning comes and it has you wondering what his present was. On the last page of the book you finally find out that Spot got a blue collar. The other thing I liked about this book was how the illustrations were engaging. On almost every page there was a flap that you could open. This part of the illustrations were important to the story, so you had to lift it up to see other things, and sometimes read a speech bubble. This aspect of the book made it a lot more fun to read because I was able to interact with the book physically while also reading along. One example of this was a window flap that had to be opened. When you opened it, you saw Santa and reindeer flying, and there was a speech bubble that said, “Here comes Santa Claus!”
The big idea of this story is to be patient. Spot’s mom tries to tell him this when he is constantly looking for his presents on Christmas Eve. Even with all of the searching Spot did, he didn’t get his present until Christmas morning. It shows you that being patient will pay off in the end, and save you a lot of energy. ( )
  samgreen013 | Apr 4, 2018 |
Spot the dog misses the point of his first Christmas by falling asleep. ( )
  Paul.Bentley | Jul 25, 2017 |
Enjoyable (lift the cover) book that my held my 3 years old interest. ( )
1 voter jacqueline065 | Jan 3, 2012 |
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A puppy's first Christmas is a time of many delights. Flaps conceal parts of the illustrations.

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