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Nemi T.01 - Nemi (2003)

par Lise Myhre

Séries: Nemi (book 1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2609106,467 (3.85)15
Meet Nemi Montoya, the vegetarian, cynical/romantic, hilariously honest twenty-something goth, in this brand new collection from artist Lise Myhre! Hang out in the pub with Nemi and her friends, including her flatmate, the blue-haired Cyan; hear her opinions on romance and dating; watch her watch TV in her untidy flat; learn how she feels about birch trees, spiders and blondes; and generally experience the highs and lows of being Nemi in the modern world! A superstar in her native Norway thanks to the immense success of Nemi -- also reprinted in the 1.12 million-circulation UK Metro newspaper -- you too can enter Lise Myhre's witty, wonderful world!… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 15 mentions

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Comic strips about being a misunderstood, goth woman. Either the jokes landed flat or they were poorly translated, but I didn't laugh. The jokes were mainly about how much Nami doesn't like convention/conformist girls/insecure guys and how clingy she is. It's relatable, sure, but there's much better places to look for these tropes. ( )
  AvANvN | Feb 3, 2024 |
This is the comic that made me learn Norwegian, and this book collects a lot of the strips from that period. Still holds up. ( )
  Enno23 | Aug 15, 2021 |
Nemi is a sarcastic goth living in London written by a Norwegian woman and at one stage featured in The Metro newspaper. The strip doesn't tend to be linear but it's great fun and I really enjoyed it. I've read a few of the collected scripts and enjoyed them every time.

I really want to find more of the collections. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jan 8, 2021 |
Nemi is a collection of daily newspaper strips. I love the artwork and I really like Nemi, although sometimes I wish she was just a little bit less harsh to other people. I also kind of wish there was more of a long term story line, but only because I think it would be interesting; the short daily strips are pretty funny. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
Nemi is a collection of daily newspaper strips. I love the artwork and I really like Nemi, although sometimes I wish she was just a little bit less harsh to other people. I also kind of wish there was more of a long term story line, but only because I think it would be interesting; the short daily strips are pretty funny. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
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Nemi (book 1)
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Charlie Christensenin ja Lise Myhren pitkät esipuheet.
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Tämä kirja on omistettu osittain kaikille, mutta kokonaisuutena sinulle.
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sosiaalinen itsemurha goottien kesken: -... Oletko tullut ajatelleeksi onnellisuuspillereitä?
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Meet Nemi Montoya, the vegetarian, cynical/romantic, hilariously honest twenty-something goth, in this brand new collection from artist Lise Myhre! Hang out in the pub with Nemi and her friends, including her flatmate, the blue-haired Cyan; hear her opinions on romance and dating; watch her watch TV in her untidy flat; learn how she feels about birch trees, spiders and blondes; and generally experience the highs and lows of being Nemi in the modern world! A superstar in her native Norway thanks to the immense success of Nemi -- also reprinted in the 1.12 million-circulation UK Metro newspaper -- you too can enter Lise Myhre's witty, wonderful world!

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Moyenne: (3.85)
0.5 1
1 2
2 1
3 13
3.5 5
4 21
4.5 2
5 17

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