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Knight of My Dreams

par CB Scott

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Fiction. Mystery. Romance. HTML:

A tale that defies logic. A love that transcends time.

Sydney Vaughn can't sleep at night. Haunted by the vivid, recurring dream of a desperate knight and maiden, she is convinced she is witnessing a past life. However, convincing ex-cop and cynic Winn Lacey that they share the souls of ill-fated medieval lovers proves a difficult challenge.

As history begins to repeat itself, unraveling the mystery of their tragic past becomes a matter of life or death. Will Winn's leap of faith come too late?

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I should have liked this book. I like stories of reincarnated lovers, flashbacks to their medieval selves, connecting again in modern times. I love that stuff. But... But the knight of her dreams is named Baldric. Other fans of Blackadder know what I'm getting at when I say I simply could not picture him as the knight of anyone's dreams. But that wasn't the only reason I didn't finish the book. I just couldn't connect with either main character. Too bad, because I very much enjoyed other books by these authors.

(Provided by publisher)
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
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C.B. Scott is the writing team of Beth Ciotta and Cynthia Valero
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais


Fiction. Mystery. Romance. HTML:

A tale that defies logic. A love that transcends time.

Sydney Vaughn can't sleep at night. Haunted by the vivid, recurring dream of a desperate knight and maiden, she is convinced she is witnessing a past life. However, convincing ex-cop and cynic Winn Lacey that they share the souls of ill-fated medieval lovers proves a difficult challenge.

As history begins to repeat itself, unraveling the mystery of their tragic past becomes a matter of life or death. Will Winn's leap of faith come too late?


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