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The Way of the Earth: Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought

par T. C. McLuhan

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This book draws upon both ancient and contemporary sources to examine the significance of the earth from the perspective of six different cultures and how these spiritual traditions have valued, perceived, and understood the earth. At first glance the peoples of aboriginal Australia, Japan, Greece, Africa, South America, and Native North America couldn't be more different. But by taking a closer look, the author shows that there are many more similarities than differences- all revere mountains as a source of inspiration and holiness, all feel a spiritual connection to the soil itself, all create art and literature to celebrate their connection to the land, and all see themselves as inextricable from the land they call home. This unique volume explores how human beings across the planet and across time have felt about the earth and nature, and how they have understood it, related to it, and celebrated it in their literature, mythology, religion, and art. It demonstrates that no matter where on the planet we exist, and no matter what time period we live, we all have a profound connection to the earth. -- from Book Jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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> COUP DE CHAPEAU : Aux éd. du Rocher pour avoir publié le gros et beau livre de TC McLuhan (l’auteur de Pieds nus sur la terre sacrée), L’Esprit de la Terre, voyages en Australie chez les Aborigènes, chez les Indiens d’Amérique et aussi en Afrique, dans ces tribus où, comme l’écrit le sage et le poète malien Amadou Hampâté Bâ : « La terre est considérée comme un être vivant et comme une entité sacrée. » Le Japon et, plus près de nous, la Grèce, figurent aussi dans ce florilège de croyances, mythes et témoignages qui nous parlent d’un respect à retrouver.
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  Joop-le-philosophe | May 11, 2024 |
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This book draws upon both ancient and contemporary sources to examine the significance of the earth from the perspective of six different cultures and how these spiritual traditions have valued, perceived, and understood the earth. At first glance the peoples of aboriginal Australia, Japan, Greece, Africa, South America, and Native North America couldn't be more different. But by taking a closer look, the author shows that there are many more similarities than differences- all revere mountains as a source of inspiration and holiness, all feel a spiritual connection to the soil itself, all create art and literature to celebrate their connection to the land, and all see themselves as inextricable from the land they call home. This unique volume explores how human beings across the planet and across time have felt about the earth and nature, and how they have understood it, related to it, and celebrated it in their literature, mythology, religion, and art. It demonstrates that no matter where on the planet we exist, and no matter what time period we live, we all have a profound connection to the earth. -- from Book Jacket.

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