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50 Games to Play With Your Cat

par Jackie Strachan

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592456,470 (3.88)2
Challenge your cat! Amaze your friends and family. Cats may spend up to two-thirds of their life asleep but when they're awake, they enjoy wall-to-wall entertainment: something to stalk, to chase, to explore or to eat. Whether your cat favours energetic pouncing, sedate strolls around the garden, or a gym-style workout indoors, you'll find that your input will be much appreciated. Here are some great ideas for engaging your pet in healthy play, including make-your-own-props and accessories as well as creative ways to use manufactured toys that will give your cat all the exercise they need. It provides expert tips explain your cat's behaviour, show you how to coax a cautious cat into play without coercion, and reveal how to gently wind down an over-excited cat. You can read, learn and indulge your cat with a daily play session that you'll both love.… (plus d'informations)

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Ich habe mir das Buch ausgeliehen, da ich zu Hause einen sehr aufgeweckten Kater habe.
Leider wurde ich von dem Buch enttäuscht, da die meisten Spiele sehr einfach sind und man sie als langjähriger Katzenbesitzer schon kennt.
Oft wird auch einfach nur Spielzeug, welches man kaufen kann, vorgestellt.
Schön sind die Illustrationen und einige Aufmachungen von gebastelten Spielzeugen.

Ich würde es neuen Katzenbesitzern empfehlen, aber nicht unbedingt, alten Hasen. ( )
  Moongirl | Dec 26, 2009 |
Some great ideas for playing with your cat. Although you've probably thought of most of these ideas yourself, I think everyone will find a gem that pays for the book. For me, it was using an old bookcase and cardboard to make a hideout and play area. This book would be a great gift for a child who always wants to buy toys for their cat - now they can make them for little or nothing. The book also teaches a lot about feline behavior. ( )
1 voter WaltNoise | Dec 7, 2009 |
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Challenge your cat! Amaze your friends and family. Cats may spend up to two-thirds of their life asleep but when they're awake, they enjoy wall-to-wall entertainment: something to stalk, to chase, to explore or to eat. Whether your cat favours energetic pouncing, sedate strolls around the garden, or a gym-style workout indoors, you'll find that your input will be much appreciated. Here are some great ideas for engaging your pet in healthy play, including make-your-own-props and accessories as well as creative ways to use manufactured toys that will give your cat all the exercise they need. It provides expert tips explain your cat's behaviour, show you how to coax a cautious cat into play without coercion, and reveal how to gently wind down an over-excited cat. You can read, learn and indulge your cat with a daily play session that you'll both love.

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