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Funding Your Ministry

par Scott Morton

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An In-Depth, Biblical Guide for Successfully Raising Personal SupportBreak through the fundraising fears and financial barriers keeping you from full-time ministry. Funding Your Ministry will answer your questions and put you on the biblical path for recruiting and maintaining donor support.Updated, Third EditionInternational funding coach Scott Morton has expanded his popular resource with new sections on: social media, email best practices, proven principles for gospel-workers around the globe, stewardship and budget management, and a leader's guide for encouraging fundraisers. Funding Your Ministry will help you become a joyful and courageous fundraiser, develop a Biblical view of requesting support, build long-term donor relationships, overcome fundraising blind spots, strengthen your stewardship, and reach over 100% of your goal.… (plus d'informations)

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Incredible. Teaching I wish I had read 3 years ago when I became a missionary. I believe anyone expecting to raise funds for Christian ministry can benefit from this book, and anyone who has questions about biblical finances for missionaries would benefit from consulting the Bible study in the appendix. ( )
  Shockleyy | Jun 6, 2021 |
It gave some very good insight of how it is biblical to fund raise and to counter some of the falsehoods about the ministry of fund raising ( )
  ScottKalas | Jun 10, 2013 |
Debunking a number of fundraising myths along the way, Morton offers a practical and biblical approach to raising ministry support. The emphasis of this approach is face-to-face individual appeals, although the book also addresses direct mailings, phone calls, and church boards. Morton provides a principled “how-to” manual for those serious about living off of support – for a year or for a lifetime. B- ( )
  bsanner | May 17, 2007 |
  humsafar | Nov 8, 2012 |
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An In-Depth, Biblical Guide for Successfully Raising Personal SupportBreak through the fundraising fears and financial barriers keeping you from full-time ministry. Funding Your Ministry will answer your questions and put you on the biblical path for recruiting and maintaining donor support.Updated, Third EditionInternational funding coach Scott Morton has expanded his popular resource with new sections on: social media, email best practices, proven principles for gospel-workers around the globe, stewardship and budget management, and a leader's guide for encouraging fundraisers. Funding Your Ministry will help you become a joyful and courageous fundraiser, develop a Biblical view of requesting support, build long-term donor relationships, overcome fundraising blind spots, strengthen your stewardship, and reach over 100% of your goal.

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