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Cookoff: Recipe Fever in America

par Amy Sutherland

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1525186,126 (3.48)2
Competitive cooking isn’t limited to Iron Chef. Across America, amateur chefs cross spatulas at more than a thousand competitions covering numerous states and a pantry full of ingredients. Following a small group of contestants for a year on the contest circuit, journalist Amy Sutherland introduces us to well-known cookoff luminaries as well as some of the most bizarre cooks and recipes at local and national contests across the country-from the Great Garlic Cookoff to the National Chicken and National Beef Cookoffs, from the World Champion Jambalaya Cooking Contest to the Pillsbury Bake-Off®, the Holy Grail of competitive cooking. When the fanatics gather-be they chiliheads or barbecue fiends-and hunker down at the hot plate, it can be a recipe for delight or disaster as attitudes get spicy and tempers flare. Bursting with humor, Cookoff is an entertaining and in-depth look at a quirky, cutthroat, and (sometimes) delicious world.… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
One of my absolute favorites! Cut throat recipe creators. So fun to read and see these folks when you watch Food Network n ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
3.5? Sometimes dragged but not sure if that was the subject or the writer. When she was 'on' I was engaged. ( )
  rhiannong | May 15, 2013 |
I enjoyed reading the first 2/3 of this book. I thought it was interesting and since I harbor secret desires to go to cook offs and eat the entries, I had fun daydreaming about the Pillsbury Bake Off. But the author loses steam towards the end and the book loses most of its luster. ( )
  MollyBethStrijkan | Jan 8, 2008 |
Journalists have one major objective -- tell the truth and spell the names right. The best journalists understand what fiction writers have always known -- tell the story. Amy Sutherland is a journalist, but she is no story teller. Although there are some fascinating stories in the world of cooking contests, Sutherland always seems like an unknowing outsider rather than a perceptive insider. She can recite the recipes, but cannot convey why anyone would cook them.

Some chapters taken from more fully polished articles are better written than others. But in the end this book is just a long series of names and ingredients. ( )
  kd9 | Apr 11, 2007 |
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For Scott, the love of my life.

For Joan, who taught me to love life.

For the cooks, who make life worth living.
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I had hardly turned my calendar to January 2000 when a hefty envelope from Pillsbury thumped on my desk at a newspaper in Portland, Maine.
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Competitive cooking isn’t limited to Iron Chef. Across America, amateur chefs cross spatulas at more than a thousand competitions covering numerous states and a pantry full of ingredients. Following a small group of contestants for a year on the contest circuit, journalist Amy Sutherland introduces us to well-known cookoff luminaries as well as some of the most bizarre cooks and recipes at local and national contests across the country-from the Great Garlic Cookoff to the National Chicken and National Beef Cookoffs, from the World Champion Jambalaya Cooking Contest to the Pillsbury Bake-Off®, the Holy Grail of competitive cooking. When the fanatics gather-be they chiliheads or barbecue fiends-and hunker down at the hot plate, it can be a recipe for delight or disaster as attitudes get spicy and tempers flare. Bursting with humor, Cookoff is an entertaining and in-depth look at a quirky, cutthroat, and (sometimes) delicious world.

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