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Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide

par F. Wesley Schneider

Séries: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords (Player's Guide), Pathfinder (PZO 9000-s)

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The 16-page Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide is an invaluableresource for players seeking to start this exciting new campaign. The guide presents details on how best to customize your character so thathe'll fit into the campaign. What's the best choice of favored enemy for aranger? Which of the region's deities will your cleric worship? What about newweapons for your fighter? And everyone loves new feats; there are several tochoose from in this product, all of which are specifically designed to aid youin your fight against the Runelords. Yet there's more to building a characterthan crunching the numbers; this guide also gives you extensive details on thefrontier region known as Varisia and the town of Sandpoint where the campaignbegins.… (plus d'informations)

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Heard good things of Pathfinder. Finding out. ( )
  morbusiff | May 9, 2013 |
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Pathfinder (PZO 9000-s)

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The 16-page Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide is an invaluableresource for players seeking to start this exciting new campaign. The guide presents details on how best to customize your character so thathe'll fit into the campaign. What's the best choice of favored enemy for aranger? Which of the region's deities will your cleric worship? What about newweapons for your fighter? And everyone loves new feats; there are several tochoose from in this product, all of which are specifically designed to aid youin your fight against the Runelords. Yet there's more to building a characterthan crunching the numbers; this guide also gives you extensive details on thefrontier region known as Varisia and the town of Sandpoint where the campaignbegins.

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