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Comment vivre 365 jours par an

par John A. Schindler

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1031273,042 (4.5)2
One of the great self-help books of all time, How to Live 365 Days a Year has sold more than 1 million copies and has been translated into 13 languages. Author John A. Schindler, M.D. introduced the powerful concept of EII, or "emotionally induced illness," long before most physicians were aware of the connection between emotions and physical health. Our new edition of this 1956 New York Times bestseller, a classic of the genre, has updated health and nutrition information by a leading health and fitness expert. Dr. Schindler's original research explains how prolonged unhappiness sets off negative responses in the nervous and endocrine systems, producing symptoms of disease, and offers techniques for coping with EII. His landmark advice on positive lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition speaks volumes to today's self-aware readers. Topics include achieving emotional satisfaction, attaining sexual maturity, dealing with stress in the workplace, and meeting the challenge of the aging years.… (plus d'informations)

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One of the great self-help books of all time, How to Live 365 Days a Year has sold more than 1 million copies and has been translated into 13 languages. Author John A. Schindler, M.D. introduced the powerful concept of EII, or "emotionally induced illness," long before most physicians were aware of the connection between emotions and physical health. Our new edition of this 1956 New York Times bestseller, a classic of the genre, has updated health and nutrition information by a leading health and fitness expert. Dr. Schindler's original research explains how prolonged unhappiness sets off negative responses in the nervous and endocrine systems, producing symptoms of disease, and offers techniques for coping with EII. His landmark advice on positive lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition speaks volumes to today's self-aware readers. Topics include achieving emotional satisfaction, attaining sexual maturity, dealing with stress in the workplace, and meeting the challenge of the aging years.

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