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Beyond Euphrates; autobiography, 1928-1933

par Freya Stark

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Freya Stark fascinates the world with stories of her intrepid travels to the Middle East & lively accounts of her early life. In her first journey, a trip through the Alps in a basket at the age of two. Euphrates takes up the tale at the start of her Eastern travels in 1928 through 1933, undeterred by an illness which threatened her life. Through letters & snatches of her diary, she describes Baghdad, life in a harem in Damascus, journeys in Persia & a treasure hunt in Luristan.… (plus d'informations)

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An autobiography covering Freya Stark's early travels in the Middle East - mainly Iraq and Iran, in the form of of commentary to link letters and diary entries. What comes across is her determination and spirit, despite considerable illness and hardship (a shortage of funds were a constant issue). ( )
  DramMan | Jul 4, 2023 |
"Beyond Euphrates" is a travel memoir written by Freya Stark, a British explorer and writer, first published in 1951. The book recounts Stark's remarkable journey through the Middle East, specifically focusing on her adventures in the region spanning from Turkey to Iraq and Iran.

As an intrepid traveler, Stark sets out to explore the less-traveled paths and delve into the history, culture, and people of these ancient lands. Her narrative takes readers on a captivating expedition, where she immerses herself in the landscapes, archaeological sites, and diverse communities she encounters.

Stark's journey begins in Turkey, where she explores the historical and cultural wonders of Anatolia. She then moves on to the rugged landscapes of Iraq, where she embarks on archaeological expeditions, visits ancient ruins, and meets local tribes. Continuing her odyssey, she ventures into Iran, navigating through remote villages, traversing deserts, and documenting her interactions with the people she encounters along the way.

Throughout "Beyond Euphrates," Stark weaves together her personal experiences with historical anecdotes, mythologies, and her keen observations of the people and places she visits. Her evocative prose brings to life the vibrant cultures, architectural marvels, and natural beauty of the Middle East.

Moreover, Stark's exploration of the region is not merely an external journey but also an internal one. She reflects on her own motivations and aspirations as a traveler, while contemplating the significance of the landscapes and the people she encounters. ( )
  FallsGalloway | May 7, 2023 |
When we left Freya at the end of Traveller's Prelude Freya had just gained her independence as an adult and the travel bug had bitten hard. She takes her first journey in 1928 to Damascus. As a woman, traveling without an escort was unheard of in 1928. To make matters worse, because Freya could speak several different languages, she was believed to be a Russian spy when she reached Baghdad. The more Freya travels, the more her independent spirit grows. She scoffs at using escorts and chaperones. At one point she fears being tied to a job because it might keep her rooted in one place and yet she needed to earn a living in order to keep traveling. It was at this point that she started writing articles and her first book, Baghdad Sketches was published. Stark ends Beyond Euphrates in hopes of traveling to Yemen next. Amusingly enough, in her last letter to her mother she rejoices to find a good face cream. ( )
  SeriousGrace | Feb 27, 2018 |
Freya Stark was the original intrepid traveller. Beyond Euphrates is an autobiographical account of two years spent living in Iraq/Persia and beyond. Despite it being late 1920's early 1930's she travelled extensively throughout the country, much of the time on her own, explored many historical sites and experienced life first hand. She is an acute and detailed observer of people and places. This intimacy is one of the great charms of her writing. Her ability to speak the language gives her further insight and understanding of life in the Middle East at the time. This book is comprised of snatches from her diary and personal letters to family and friends. Reading Freya Stark is always a pleasure. ( )
  limoncello | Jun 27, 2011 |
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Freya Stark fascinates the world with stories of her intrepid travels to the Middle East & lively accounts of her early life. In her first journey, a trip through the Alps in a basket at the age of two. Euphrates takes up the tale at the start of her Eastern travels in 1928 through 1933, undeterred by an illness which threatened her life. Through letters & snatches of her diary, she describes Baghdad, life in a harem in Damascus, journeys in Persia & a treasure hunt in Luristan.

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