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Spin Cycle

par Sue Margolis

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1604176,751 (3.12)6
Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Life lacks a certain spark for stand-up comedian and cleaner Rachel Katz whose husband left her for another man - but there are sparks a-plenty when the washing machine breaks down and a repair man called Matt arrives... and sends her life into a spin.


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4 sur 4
For me it was extremely difficult to get into this book, or even finish it! There was no suspense, the story wasn’t there, and there was no development. In the end I had to skip some pages because it was just too boring. The author tries to include some mysteries to add something to the non-existent story, involving the parents of the protagonist and the designers she works for, but in the end they are not very plausible and somewhat irritating.
This book is predictable and not in a good way, it is not just the end the whole book has a flat line from start to finish.


An elderly respectable couple doing a sex-help video??? Interior designers that hate modern design and only like traditional (and tacky) décor??? These lame explanations truly annoyed me.
Plus when the main part of a story is a person cheating in a couple it really annoys me when the author makes the other party cheat as well so that everything is solved!! Not realistic… too easy… in this book the end of a two years relationships and engagement takes place in a few pages of respective pleasantries. Boring.
(Also not a “clean” Chick-Lit)
( )
  SaraRomanceLove | May 8, 2015 |
Sue Margolis is great at humorous chicklit! Rachel Katz is a British, Jewish, stand-up comedian. If that isn't a recipe for humor, I don't know what is!

While her obsessive-compulsive, slightly boring, dentist finance, Adam, is in South Africa for a month, Rachel meets Matt Clapton, the washing machine repairman. Matt is supportive where Adam is dismissive, he's manly where Adam is neat and tidy, and Matt wears a tool belt! Need I say more?

With a quirky neighbor, a senior citizen love affair, a ten-year old son obsessed with Barbra Streisand, and a midget named Tractor, this book will keep you laughing right up to the end!
  Ilithyia | Mar 7, 2010 |
British almost romance, contemporary.
  mulliner | Oct 17, 2009 |
I loved this book! It was funny and silly and sexy. The characters were wacky enough to be unpredictably fun, although the plot was predictable. The were lots of silly, tongue-in-cheek puns and bad jokes (some good jokes). Lots of guy-bashing humor, although it had lots of decent guy characters (what I mean is that it's not a guy-bashing book). I especially loved the Jewish-girl angle. It wasn't very strong, so I think most women can relate to it, but it was fun to see and poke fun at the Jewish mom issues and Jewish dating issues.

I have to say that the sex was pretty graphic (to me) and pretty sexy. ( )
  mellonhead | Aug 8, 2006 |
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Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Life lacks a certain spark for stand-up comedian and cleaner Rachel Katz whose husband left her for another man - but there are sparks a-plenty when the washing machine breaks down and a repair man called Matt arrives... and sends her life into a spin.


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