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Saving Zoë

par Alyson Noël

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3821969,431 (3.81)3
Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

It's been one year since the brutal murder of her older sister, Zoë, and fifteen-year-old Echo is still reeling from the aftermath. Her parents are numb, her friends are moving on, and the awkward start to her freshman year proves she'll never live up to her sister's memory. Until Zoë's former boyfriend Marc shows up with Zoë's diary.
At first Echo's not interested, doubting there's anything in there she doesn't already know. But when curiosity prevails, she starts reading, becoming so immersed in her sister's secret world, their lives begin to blur, forcing Echo to uncover the truth behind Zoë's life so that she can start to rebuild her own.
Prepare to laugh your heart out and cry your eyes out in this highly addictive tale as Alyson Noël's Saving Zoë tackles the complicated relationship between two sisters and shows how the bond can endure long after one of them is gone.

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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
{My thoughts} – Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book it was based off? I did that with this particular book. I enjoyed the movie, however, it didn’t fully make a lot of sense in a lot of ways. At least not to me. However, I knew I could read the book to better understand the movie. In most cases I try to read the book first, but sometimes it doesn’t always work out in that way.

Echo is your average teen girl trying to survive day to day after the loss of her older sister. She doesn’t fully understand why she was murdered and what her life was like. That isn’t until Zoë’s boyfriend Marc gives her her sister’s diary to read. At that point everything starts to make much more sense to Echo. It takes her a better part of the book to read through the entire diary and once she complete’s it she has a better understanding of her sister and the lifestyle she’d been choosing to live.

This book had a lot of ups and downs within it’s pages. There was so much that had taken place in a fast span that you are kind of left wondering, did I just read that in a few places. This book is true to what can happen to anyone if they put their trust and faith into the wrong places and or people.

I think this is a book that should be required reading for many teenagers as it is fiction but based on realistic events. Events that many teenagers, although taking quite similar risks, don’t realize can be the outcome of those risks and or simply don’t care. Either way, I think it has a good lesson within it’s pages that can be used as a means of teaching teenagers what could happen should they find themselves in these kind of situations.

This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more of her books in the future! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book it was based off? I did that with this particular book. I enjoyed the movie, however, it didn’t fully make a lot of sense in a lot of ways. At least not to me. However, I knew I could read the book to better understand the movie. In most cases I try to read the book first, but sometimes it doesn’t always work out in that way.

Echo is your average teen girl trying to survive day to day after the loss of her older sister. She doesn’t fully understand why she was murdered and what her life was like. That isn’t until Zoë’s boyfriend Marc gives her her sister’s diary to read. At that point everything starts to make much more sense to Echo. It takes her a better part of the book to read through the entire diary and once she complete’s it she has a better understanding of her sister and the lifestyle she’d been choosing to live.

This book had a lot of ups and downs within it’s pages. There was so much that had taken place in a fast span that you are kind of left wondering, did I just read that in a few places. This book is true to what can happen to anyone if they put their trust and faith into the wrong places and or people.

I think this is a book that should be required reading for many teenagers as it is fiction but based on realistic events. Events that many teenagers, although taking quite similar risks, don’t realize can be the outcome of those risks and or simply don’t care. Either way, I think it has a good lesson within it’s pages that can be used as a means of teaching teenagers what could happen should they find themselves in these kind of situations.

This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more of her books in the future! ( )
  CrimsonSoul | Jun 1, 2024 |
I loved it and moments I hated it, but I couldn't put it down. Everything Zoe went through and Echo it broke my heart. ( )
  Enid007 | Apr 11, 2024 |
I absolutely loved this book. ( )
  melrailey | Apr 7, 2020 |
Honestly, this is the first book by author Alyson Noel I've read. I started reading it last night and couldn't put it down so I stayed up 'til 2am to finish it. It's a hauntingly beautiful, bittersweet, tragic yet hopeful tale about sisters, growing up, and the secrets they keep. It stays with you, it resonates and imparts a timely message. I'm passing this book to my daughter, she's an incoming college sophomore but I think she'll like it too. I'm planning on watching the film adaptation next starring Laura and Vanessa Marano. My daughter and I met them along with the author during Yallwest and they're all very passionate about the book and movie, rightfully so. I give Saving Zoe 4 out of 5 stars. ( )
  VavaViolet | Jul 22, 2019 |
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Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

It's been one year since the brutal murder of her older sister, Zoë, and fifteen-year-old Echo is still reeling from the aftermath. Her parents are numb, her friends are moving on, and the awkward start to her freshman year proves she'll never live up to her sister's memory. Until Zoë's former boyfriend Marc shows up with Zoë's diary.
At first Echo's not interested, doubting there's anything in there she doesn't already know. But when curiosity prevails, she starts reading, becoming so immersed in her sister's secret world, their lives begin to blur, forcing Echo to uncover the truth behind Zoë's life so that she can start to rebuild her own.
Prepare to laugh your heart out and cry your eyes out in this highly addictive tale as Alyson Noël's Saving Zoë tackles the complicated relationship between two sisters and shows how the bond can endure long after one of them is gone.


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Moyenne: (3.81)
1 3
2 6
3 17
3.5 3
4 23
4.5 2
5 24

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