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Doctor Lucifer (Dr. Mark Lin Medical Thrillers Book 1)

par Anthony Lee

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324,220,023 (3.5)Aucun
Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

"I don't know which is worse: disease of the human body or disease of humanity."

In today's digital world, no one is safe from cyberattacks. Not even medical doctors and hospitals. Can a hacker remotely kill a doctor's patients, just by altering medical records?

Dr. Mark Lin, a proficient but cynical and disillusioned internist, is the target of such a hacker, known as Doctor Lucifer. Three of his patients at Ivory Memorial Hospital suffer from medication errors, created by the hacker, yet Mark is forced to take the blame. However, he knows that a computer worm is spreading worldwide and crippling network security everywhere. When Doctor Lucifer threatens more patient deaths, Mark vows to defend his honor.

Together with the hospital's information technology team, Mark scrambles to outwit the hacker and avert one medical crisis after another. But the consequences of Doctor Lucifer's actions still hurt Mark, who soon hits rock bottom at the hands of a vengeful widow and an egotistical surgeon. He has no choice but to hunt down and confront Doctor Lucifer, an enemy with a truly malicious purpose.

Doctor Lucifer, Anthony Lee's debut novel that is the first of a series, is a new take on the medical thriller, featuring unusual life-and-death situations, an antihero doctor taking center stage, and hard-hitting commentary on the state of humanity itself.

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It isn’t turning out to be the best shift at the hospital for Doctor Mark Lin. He’s just finished consulting with Doctor Jay McKinnon, the nocturnist who cares for his patients when he is off-duty when the Code Blue alarm sounds.

Before he is able to finish caring for Christopher Flint, a Code Blue sounds for another of his patients. Then a Rapid Response call is issued for yet anther of his patients.

Three of his patients coding almost simultaneously? What is happening?

When all the patients have been cared for, Doctor Lin sits down to document the treatment and discovers that the treatment protocols listed in the patients’ charts are not at all what he’d prescribed.

Why are the treatment protocols different? Who changed them?

And who is trying to kill his patients?


The clever and inventive plot in this medical thriller involves a cyberattack in which patients’ records are purposely altered, leading to catastrophic results. The strong sense of place, supported by instructive medical information, kept the story moving along. [One does wonder, however, why, after the initial computer issues, the hospital staff . . . including Doctor Lin . . . did not simply abandon the computer records and revert to “old-fashioned” handwritten charts.]

There’s a bit more explanation throughout the telling of this tale than readers might expect to find in a thriller, but providing the reader with the medical background seems appropriate. Ultimately, the unfolding story is quite twisted and not at all what the reader might have expected. But it does make for great escapist reading.

As readers hear more and more about computer hacking and Artificial Intelligence in the real world, this story acquires an added plausibility. As readers find unexpected revelations and long-held secrets are exposed, the story takes on an added sense of urgency in the need to find and stop the culprits.

Readers who enjoy medical stories, thrillers, and computer-generated mayhem are sure to enjoy this imaginative tale.


I received a free copy of this book from AuthorBuzz and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#DoctorLucifer #NetGalley ( )
  jfe16 | May 22, 2024 |
First, I want to thank the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Overall, the book was written beautifully and the MC character development was great to read. The hospital setting was really fun to read and immerse myself into. I was worried it would be hard to read with the medical terminology but Anthony Lee made it extremely easy to follow along. The plot was flawless and the plot twist kept me on my toes.

I rated the book 3 stars only because COVID-19 got mentioned SEVERAL times and it did not need to be mentioned as much as it did with it not furthering the plot of the book. I read books to get away from the real world and having a recent/current world issue in a book was a bit hard for me to get through. ( )
  rcerca | May 13, 2024 |
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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

"I don't know which is worse: disease of the human body or disease of humanity."

In today's digital world, no one is safe from cyberattacks. Not even medical doctors and hospitals. Can a hacker remotely kill a doctor's patients, just by altering medical records?

Dr. Mark Lin, a proficient but cynical and disillusioned internist, is the target of such a hacker, known as Doctor Lucifer. Three of his patients at Ivory Memorial Hospital suffer from medication errors, created by the hacker, yet Mark is forced to take the blame. However, he knows that a computer worm is spreading worldwide and crippling network security everywhere. When Doctor Lucifer threatens more patient deaths, Mark vows to defend his honor.

Together with the hospital's information technology team, Mark scrambles to outwit the hacker and avert one medical crisis after another. But the consequences of Doctor Lucifer's actions still hurt Mark, who soon hits rock bottom at the hands of a vengeful widow and an egotistical surgeon. He has no choice but to hunt down and confront Doctor Lucifer, an enemy with a truly malicious purpose.

Doctor Lucifer, Anthony Lee's debut novel that is the first of a series, is a new take on the medical thriller, featuring unusual life-and-death situations, an antihero doctor taking center stage, and hard-hitting commentary on the state of humanity itself.


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