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Gimme Some Sugar: 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way – Inspire Your Faith with Timeless Truth and Homespun Humor

par Linda Kozar

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A perfect start to a joyful heart. Good things from God can calm the soul and fill you with confidence. In Gimme Some Sugar, award-winning author Linda Kozar brings her southern wit and wisdom to sweeten your life with spiritual nourishment to ponder, perspective to pray about, and a touch of joy to put a smile on your face. This 90-day devotional will encourage you to set your heart and mind on God's Word while having fun along the way. Each devotion includes ●    an engaging saying, ●    inspiring insights from Scripture, ●    practical advice for daily life, and ●    a sprinkle of homespun humor. Brighten your day with a spoonful of biblical encouragement and reminders of God's enduring love, hope, and peace.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parfcplcataloger, Harley0326

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The catchy title and charming cover of this new book grabbed my attention immediately but the contents are the true treasure! Author Linda Kozar shares ninety inspiring devotions that follow the pleasing format of memorable quotes or sayings, Bible scripture, her commentary, and a 'Sweet Spoonful' conclusion. The quotes and sayings are the perfect way to start each devotion and they're from various sources, including Billy Graham, David Jeremiah, Will Rogers, and even Calvin and Hobbes. Some are humorous and others are thought-provoking, but they all make me feel like I am hearing them from a personal friend!

Gimme Some Sugar is small enough to carry in a purse but its size is deceiving. It is overflowing with encouragement, Godly wisdom, and some good old Southern humor! These short devotions are the perfect way to begin a new day!

I received a copy of this book from the author via BlogAbout Blogger Network. There was no obligation for a positive review. ( )
  fcplcataloger | Jun 15, 2024 |
There are so many things to like about this book. The cover is so welcoming and the graphics inside are eye catching. But what really captured my attention was the devotions. The book includes personal stories, people from the Bible and scriptures that encourage readers. I loved reading each one and found myself going back to certain ones to reread them again.

I loved the one where it talks about trying to hide a messy house. How many times have we rushed around when we find out company is coming? What we need to realize is , “we can’t hide our misses, our messes, or our sins from our loving God, who forgives us when we come clean.”

I love the energy of the book and how it soothes the soul with sweet words of wisdom. I laughed, cried and felt encouraged as I went through each page. This would be a great gift to give to someone or even use for your daily time with God.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | May 12, 2024 |
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A perfect start to a joyful heart. Good things from God can calm the soul and fill you with confidence. In Gimme Some Sugar, award-winning author Linda Kozar brings her southern wit and wisdom to sweeten your life with spiritual nourishment to ponder, perspective to pray about, and a touch of joy to put a smile on your face. This 90-day devotional will encourage you to set your heart and mind on God's Word while having fun along the way. Each devotion includes ●    an engaging saying, ●    inspiring insights from Scripture, ●    practical advice for daily life, and ●    a sprinkle of homespun humor. Brighten your day with a spoonful of biblical encouragement and reminders of God's enduring love, hope, and peace.

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