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A Baroque Fable

par Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

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2062136,373 (3.32)1 / 5
This novel takes readers on a romp through a fantasyland of star-crossed lovers, bumbling heroes, wicked witches, and dragons (one of whom, our heroine, Esmeralda, started out as a human but got caught up in a witch's curse.) Lighthearted adventure with a seemingly never-ending cast of strange and whimsical characters working at cross-purposes and together creates a world of little consequence and frothy entertainment.… (plus d'informations)
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 Name that Book: Humorous fantasy with songs in the back2 non-lus / 2infiniteletters, Juillet 2008

» Voir aussi les 5 mentions

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I didn't read all of this, I just couldn't get into it. It's attempts at humor didn't work for me. ( )
  navelos | Mar 19, 2011 |
Far-off places, (somewhat) daring sword fights and a prince (and a bored princess) in disguise?! I'm a fan of Yarbro's Saint-Germain works and was excited to pick up this vampire-less novel of hers. It was a delight to read and, I think, would be great for anyone who loves fairytales and has a sense of humor about it.

Yarbro's prose is dexterous yet whimsical and the curious cast of characters is wonderfully entertaining. ( )
  Caitlinefa | Nov 26, 2010 |
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This is a fairy tale. Characters, institutions, circumstances, outcomes, consequences, locations, and all the rest are taken from other fairy tales and from my imagination. Actual persons, places, institutions, circumstances, outcomes, consequences, locations, and all the rest are not found in fairy tales, and that includes this one.
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For Cedric and Jan Clute and all the rest of the gang from the late, lamented Magic Cellar
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This story takes place once-upon-a-time; not a real time that has come and gone, or a time that has yet to happen, or even a high-and-far-off (-out) time where so many stories take place; this is a time that never happened but ought to have, in one of those places that are called fabulous since, of course, they exist only in fables.
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This novel takes readers on a romp through a fantasyland of star-crossed lovers, bumbling heroes, wicked witches, and dragons (one of whom, our heroine, Esmeralda, started out as a human but got caught up in a witch's curse.) Lighthearted adventure with a seemingly never-ending cast of strange and whimsical characters working at cross-purposes and together creates a world of little consequence and frothy entertainment.

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