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The Paradise Problem

par Christina Lauren

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4861752,833 (3.85)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Christina Lauren, the instant New York Times bestselling and "reigning romance queens" (PopSugar), returns with a delicious new romance between the buttoned-up heir of a grocery chain and his free-spirited artist ex as they fake their relationship in order to receive a massive inheritance.
Anna Green thought she was marrying Liam "West" Weston for access to subsidized family housing while at UCLA. She also thought she'd signed divorce papers when the graduation caps were tossed, and they both went on their merry ways.

Three years later, Anna is a starving artist living paycheck to paycheck while West is a Stanford professor. He may be one of four heirs to the Weston Foods conglomerate, but he has little interest in working for the heartless corporation his family built from the ground up. He is interested, however, in his one-hundred-million-dollar inheritance. There's just one catch.

Due to an antiquated clause in his grandfather's will, Liam won't see a penny until he's been happily married for five years. Just when Liam thinks he's in the home stretch, pressure mounts from his family to see this mysterious spouse, and he has no choice but to turn to the one person he's afraid to introduce to his one-percenter parents—his unpolished, not-so-ex-wife.

But in the presence of his family, Liam's fears quickly shift from whether the feisty, foul-mouthed, paint-splattered Anna can play the part to whether the toxic world of wealth will corrupt someone as pure of heart as his surprisingly grounded and loyal wife. Liam will have to ask himself if the price tag on his flimsy cover story is worth losing true love that sprouted from a lie.
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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 14 (suivant | tout afficher)
Grumpy professor meets hot mess express sunshine in a tropical location? YES PLEASE! What could go wrong when you have a grumpy soon-to-be a super wealthy man and a starving artist chaotic woman and they just happen to be married?

Anna Green thought she married Liam Weston to get cheap housing at UCLA and signed the divorce papers as soon as they graduated. When several years later, Liam shows back up at her door, not surprisingly the same day that she got fired from her gas station job, she is shocked to find out that she didn't read the contract that she signed too closely and she is still married. Now, Liam needs Anna's help to convince his family at his little sister's wedding that the marriage is real so that he can inherit one hundred million dollars from his deceased grandfather. That doesn't sound too bad to get an all-expense paid trip to a remote tropical island for two weeks until you meet Liam's super wealthy and obnoxious family. Can they pull off the impossible? Can they do it without ruining each other's lives?

The novel skillfully balances humor and romance, drawing parallels to the classic "Pretty Woman" while delivering a believable progression of the central romance. The slow development of the relationship adds depth to the characters and their interactions, making the storyline more engaging despite its seemingly improbable premise. "The Paradise Problem" is a delightful read that would appeal to any fan of the romance genre.

4.25 Stars ( )
  srkromer | Sep 17, 2024 |
This is not literature nor is it great fiction but it is a really really fun book. The story is completely unrealistic, the people are unrealistic, the events can only happen in books. However, this is a fun sexy read. ( )
  shazjhb | Aug 27, 2024 |
This duo can be hit or miss for me. While this wasn't a miss, for me it wasn't one of the strongest, though there was a lot of humor, which I enjoyed. Like those kids who got caught reading Playboy used to tell their parents, that they were just reading the cartoons, I really just like the stories, and prefer if they seem somewhat realistic. ( )
  bookczuk | Aug 3, 2024 |
It’s giving wattpad. Could not finish. ( )
  winchester11 | Jul 27, 2024 |
The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren is a perfect no-brainer little summer romance and confection to entertain you while you beat the heat. ( )
  auldhouse | Jul 11, 2024 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Christina Lauren, the instant New York Times bestselling and "reigning romance queens" (PopSugar), returns with a delicious new romance between the buttoned-up heir of a grocery chain and his free-spirited artist ex as they fake their relationship in order to receive a massive inheritance.
Anna Green thought she was marrying Liam "West" Weston for access to subsidized family housing while at UCLA. She also thought she'd signed divorce papers when the graduation caps were tossed, and they both went on their merry ways.

Three years later, Anna is a starving artist living paycheck to paycheck while West is a Stanford professor. He may be one of four heirs to the Weston Foods conglomerate, but he has little interest in working for the heartless corporation his family built from the ground up. He is interested, however, in his one-hundred-million-dollar inheritance. There's just one catch.

Due to an antiquated clause in his grandfather's will, Liam won't see a penny until he's been happily married for five years. Just when Liam thinks he's in the home stretch, pressure mounts from his family to see this mysterious spouse, and he has no choice but to turn to the one person he's afraid to introduce to his one-percenter parents—his unpolished, not-so-ex-wife.

But in the presence of his family, Liam's fears quickly shift from whether the feisty, foul-mouthed, paint-splattered Anna can play the part to whether the toxic world of wealth will corrupt someone as pure of heart as his surprisingly grounded and loyal wife. Liam will have to ask himself if the price tag on his flimsy cover story is worth losing true love that sprouted from a lie.

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Moyenne: (3.85)
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