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Rabbit Hole

par Kate Brody

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9010310,223 (3.46)Aucun
"Ten years ago, Theodora "Teddy" Angstrom's older sister, Angie, disappeared. Her case remains unsolved. Now--on the anniversary of Angie's disappearance--Teddy's father, Mark, has killed himself. Unbeknownst to Mark's family, he had been actively investigating conspiracy theories sourced from a Reddit community of true crime fans fixated on Angie, and Teddy soon finds herself falling down that same rabbit hole. After all, if hope dies last, Angie could still be alive. Teddy's burgeoning investigation quickly gets her in hot water with everyone from her frustrated colleagues at the pretentious high school where she teaches English to her middle-aged gun nut boyfriend and her long-lost half-brother. Further complicating matters is Teddy's growing obsession with Mickey, a charming amateur sleuth from Reddit who is eerily keen on helping Teddy solve the case. Bewitched by Mickey, Teddy begins losing her grip on morality. As she struggles to reconcile new information with old memories, her erratic behavior reaches a fever pitch, but she won't stop until she finds Angie--or destroys herself in the process. In Rabbit Hole, debut author Kate Brody has crafted a biting critique of the Internet's voyeuristic boundary trampling, an equally outrageous and heart-wrenching character study of a mind twisted by grief, and a page-turning mystery that's as addictive as a late-night Reddit binge"--… (plus d'informations)

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The first chapter is filled with MULTIPLE violent animal deaths - and with the main dog having terminal cancer I guess more deaths are coming. Made me ill. No thanks.
  spiritedstardust | Aug 20, 2024 |
A story about a very troubled dysfunctional woman from a family of the same ilk. Her father is dead (suicide) and her adult sister has gone missing.Teddy, the principal character, is a heavy drinking teacher who much of her time searching the background stories of what happened to dad and sis. Her research is mainly through various social media sites including chat rooms. Ultimately she is able to unearth some very strange and troubling things about their lives. ( )
  muddyboy | Aug 10, 2024 |
The first chapter is filled with MULTIPLE violent animal deaths - and with the main dog having terminal cancer I guess more deaths are coming. Made me ill. No thanks.
  spiritedstardust | Jul 25, 2024 |
(22) I don't know where this recommendation came from but it was just what I was in the mood for. The protagonist is a troubled young woman, Teddy, haunted by the disappearance of her teenage half-sister many years before. In the opening of the book her father has just committed suicide. He had never recovered from Angie's disappearance - falling back into a drug habit and searching for any trace of her on-line in true crime forums like Reddit subgroups. Much of the novel deals with the crazy people and posts on-line that come up with random people obsessed with true crime and the disappeared. Fascinating and disturbing. Hence the title as in 'going down a rabbit hole' Teddy is tasked with helping her mother cope with the loss of a third husband, a dying beloved dog, and a mountain of bills. In the process of cleaning everything up - Teddy stumbles upon intriguing information about Angie's disappearance. Could she actually be alive?

It is not spoiling anything to say that Teddy goes down the rabbit hole too. The story is a nice example of a psychological thriller and the author does a decent job of having the reader embody Teddy - her memories, her angst, even her bad decisions and bad attitude. It resonates. The ending is also reasonably satisfying though I will not spoil.

It seems this is the author's debut novel and she is promising. Like a Gillian Flynn or Morag Joss. In terms of subject matter - not a lot of gravitas and as it is 'just a mystery,' but prose, storytelling, and atmosphere were quite enjoyable. I am both attracted and repelled by true crime on-line junkies - probably because of my own shameful predilection for reading true-crime non-fiction... ( )
  jhowell | Jul 20, 2024 |
The first chapter is filled with MULTIPLE violent animal deaths - and with the main dog having terminal cancer I guess more deaths are coming. Made me ill. No thanks.
  spiritedstardust | Jun 20, 2024 |
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For Chris
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Ten years to the day after my sister's disappearance, my father kills himself.
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"Ten years ago, Theodora "Teddy" Angstrom's older sister, Angie, disappeared. Her case remains unsolved. Now--on the anniversary of Angie's disappearance--Teddy's father, Mark, has killed himself. Unbeknownst to Mark's family, he had been actively investigating conspiracy theories sourced from a Reddit community of true crime fans fixated on Angie, and Teddy soon finds herself falling down that same rabbit hole. After all, if hope dies last, Angie could still be alive. Teddy's burgeoning investigation quickly gets her in hot water with everyone from her frustrated colleagues at the pretentious high school where she teaches English to her middle-aged gun nut boyfriend and her long-lost half-brother. Further complicating matters is Teddy's growing obsession with Mickey, a charming amateur sleuth from Reddit who is eerily keen on helping Teddy solve the case. Bewitched by Mickey, Teddy begins losing her grip on morality. As she struggles to reconcile new information with old memories, her erratic behavior reaches a fever pitch, but she won't stop until she finds Angie--or destroys herself in the process. In Rabbit Hole, debut author Kate Brody has crafted a biting critique of the Internet's voyeuristic boundary trampling, an equally outrageous and heart-wrenching character study of a mind twisted by grief, and a page-turning mystery that's as addictive as a late-night Reddit binge"--

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