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Lie by the Pool: A Novel

par Susan Walter

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Bree's new home is luxurious and private, with a fancy Beverly Hills address. What a shame it's not hers. Widowed, penniless, living in her car, and out of options, she's climbed the fence and crashed in the pool house. All she wants is a good night's sleep. But when Sophie, the absentee owner, finds her, she gets a whole lot more. Sophie invites Bree back for a party. When it winds down, Bree can't resist sneaking upstairs to sleep in a real bed. But the next morning, she wakes to find Sophie's dead body floating in the pool. As the resident vagabond, she's both the only witness and the prime murder suspect. Bree knows she shouldn't run, but her husband's death was mysterious, too. If she's going to clear her name, she's going to have to work fast. Because the killer is still out there, and she's next.… (plus d'informations)

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Bree is really down on her luck. She has lost her husband. She has lost her home. She has lost her job and now she’s living in her car. She has been squatting in an empty house at the pool. She’s been sleeping on a pool chair and using the pool shower. She has recently been invited to a party at the same home by young lady name, Sophie. So Bree takes the opportunity to sleep in a real bed the night of the party. But when she wakes up, she sees Sophie dead in the pool. She knows she is now the prime suspect.

Bree is a character which will steal your heart. I loved her from start to finish. Then there is Sophie. Sophie is an enigma. I really like Sophie, but you know she is hiding secrets.

I love how the story moves like lightning but it is slow to give up its mysteries. This is a tale full of lies, secrets and puzzles. And when it unfolds…you need to read this to find out.

Need a fast paced thriller…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the author for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Sep 23, 2023 |
Lie by the Pool is a well paced thriller. Some twists and turns are foreshadowed a little too heavily, and the shifting first person narratives all blended into a similar narrative voice for me. But I enjoyed the read. ( )
  SiriJR | May 10, 2023 |
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Bree's new home is luxurious and private, with a fancy Beverly Hills address. What a shame it's not hers. Widowed, penniless, living in her car, and out of options, she's climbed the fence and crashed in the pool house. All she wants is a good night's sleep. But when Sophie, the absentee owner, finds her, she gets a whole lot more. Sophie invites Bree back for a party. When it winds down, Bree can't resist sneaking upstairs to sleep in a real bed. But the next morning, she wakes to find Sophie's dead body floating in the pool. As the resident vagabond, she's both the only witness and the prime murder suspect. Bree knows she shouldn't run, but her husband's death was mysterious, too. If she's going to clear her name, she's going to have to work fast. Because the killer is still out there, and she's next.

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