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The Cargo From Neira

par Alys Clare

Séries: Gabriel Taverner (5)

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February 1605. A series of killings shake the quiet life of Devon's Tavy valley. Country doctor Gabriel Taverner, summoned to examine the bodies, believes the murders are somehow connected to a mysterious woman recently discovered in shocking circumstances. Gabriel is determined to solve the mystery, and soon uncovers clues that link his unexpected patient to the brutal killings. One is the strange and recurring theme of nutmegs. A precious spice from far-flung islands and already in demand, its high cost is increasing daily since the rumour has spread that it is a cure for the plague... Gabriel finds himself caught in a deadly rivalry involving a greater prize and more ruthless players than he could have imagined. Fighting to protect his family and friends from dangerous involvement in this savage race, will he be able to emerge alive?… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
Called out on a cold February night, physician Gabriel Taverner is shocked when the supposed suicide turns out to be alive. The woman is terrified and in her possession is a bag full of nutmegs, a prized commodity in early 17th century. However when men start getting murdered Taverner realises there is a bigger plot here, one that involves rich merchants and the rival London and Dutch Companies keen to exploit the wealth in spices from far away.
I haven't read any of Clare's books before and approached this one thinking it was going to be a bit lightweight and probably mildly entertaining. I was completely wrong! This is a fast-paced story with huge political plots. Yes, the sense of time is weak but the sense of place is strong and the characters actually quite well-rounded. To say this is the 5th book in a series I didn't feel that I'd come late to a party, just that I really liked the book. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | May 21, 2023 |
Alys Clare's Gabriel Taverner historical mystery series is one of my go-to choices when I'm wanting some light, entertaining reading. The series has been running long enough that all the characters have well developed back stories, and Clare generally provides context in non-heavy-handed ways, so those new to the series can begin with whatever volume they find first. At this point the stories are set in the Jacobean era, but at moments look back to the reign of Elizabeth I.

These mysteries are more about the people engaged in solving them, rather than the complexity of the mystery itself. Clare doesn't include a lot of red herrings. Instead she leaves us to walk along her characters as they sort the puzzle out.

The Cargo from Neira opens with the discovery of the body of a woman, a suicide, along a riverbank in deep, snowy winter. The sheriff's assistant arrives shortly before dawn at Taverner's home, asking the physician to accompany him back to the body. Something odd is going on—and it turns out that he has decided to hide the evidence of the attempted suicide, given the harsh penalties, both economic and religious, for suicides and those they leave behind. Hiding the suicide attempt means that both men put themselves at risk of criminal persecution.

Unexpectedly, the supposedly dead woman is revived and taken to Taverner's home for care, where she is revealed to be pregnant. On the one hand, this may dispel some of the risk involved in concealing the suicide, since it was an attempted, but not successful, act. On the other hand, the woman's pregnancy means that she could be considered guilty of attempted murder, since her unborn child would surely have died if she had succeeded. This dilemma gives the book some interesting weight and ethical questions.

The woman is terrified. Unusual murders begin to occur in the area. And the mystery is somehow connected to nutmeg, a spice being newly imported into England. The price of nutmeg was already high because of its rarity. Now unscrupulous quacks are claiming nutmeg will cure the plague, so the price skyrockets even higher. Of course, nutmeg reaches England via ship, and that leads Taverner to wax nostalgic over his years spent as a ship's surgeon...

That's the set-up. As I've indicated, the plot works more because of the developing relationships among the book's characters than because of a complex whodunnit—but it works. My selfish worry as this novel ended was whether Taverner would return to work as a ship's doctor. For whatever reason, I find shipboard mysteries much less compelling than land-based ones, so I'm worried that upcoming volumes may engage me less, but I trust Clare to keep delivering well developed characters and solid plotting.

I received a free electronic review copy of this title from the published via NetGalley; the opinions are my own. ( )
  Sarah-Hope | Apr 16, 2023 |
All that glitters!

Gabriel Tavernier, ex-ship’s surgeon turned country doctor who also conducts autopsies for the local Coroner, Theo Davey is called out by Jarman Hodge. The coroner’s assistant, wants Gabe to aid him with a drowned woman, a suicide. He hasn’t notified the coroner but instead comes to Gabe. Why? A moment of compassion? The treatment of suicides and their families subsequently is barbaric at this time. For some reason, and we never quite know why, Hodge wants to avoid this. Disquieted, Gabe agrees, although against his better judgement. He’s troubled at the thought of not fully revealing the situation to the coroner. He’s uncomfortable that this might strain their relationship. Only as they are moving the woman she coughs up water! She’s alive! Now it’s a race to save a woman who wishes to die.
When Gabe takes the woman into his home for care, he unknowingly brings danger and intrigue into the household. A break-in that night is narrowly thwarted. He worries for his sister Celia and the midwife Judyth whom he’s become fond of.
Another two men are murdered in the next few days. One man has had objects forced down his throat. It turns out to be nutmeg! At this time nutmeg is worth more than gold. A missing map is found. Everything’s pointing to the murders somehow being involved with riches beyond dreams.
Gabe follows leads and finds murmurs of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the London Company supported by powerful merchants. Both ruthless in their pursuit of the treasure the spice market is. It’s 1605. The international politics of the time are fascinating, as are the church and its doctrines.
The ending is surprising, and yet not so much. What the future holds for Gabe left me on edge.
Nicely paced, a gripping tale that has it all—danger, intrigue, seemingly mystical / magical influences, indeed the stuff of dreams, both good and bad!

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher. ( )
  eyes.2c | Apr 13, 2023 |
historical-fiction, historical-research, history-and-culture, physician, Devonshire, series, amateur-sleuth, multiple-murder, greed, mysteries, family, family-dynamics*****

1605 near Portsmouth, England.
It began with a woman's failed attempt at suicide and progressed through all the issues of the catholic church, the intense rivalry of the shipping industries, and the horrors that greed and the spice trade could do.
I learned a lot about the time period as well as the personal history of the doctor himself.
As a historical cozy mystery, I thought it was a real winner! All the important elements plus lessons in a time of history I am only minimally acquainted with, and realistic characters with interesting backgrounds and presence.
This is the first I've read in series but that did not decrease my enjoyment at all!
I requested and received an EARC from Severn House via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Mar 8, 2023 |
1605 An attempted suicide is saved and taken to Doctor Gabriel Taverner's home. But Artemis Brownyng is pregnant and unmarried. But she can pay with nutmegs, a rare commodity. Is there a connection to the body of Malin Piltbone who's mouth was full of nutmegs. But this will not be the last of the killings. Can Taverner find the motives and solve the mysteries. But what is the real plan.
An entertaining and well-written historical mystery. Another good addition to this enjoyable series with its likeable and varied characters. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Mar 6, 2023 |
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February 1605. A series of killings shake the quiet life of Devon's Tavy valley. Country doctor Gabriel Taverner, summoned to examine the bodies, believes the murders are somehow connected to a mysterious woman recently discovered in shocking circumstances. Gabriel is determined to solve the mystery, and soon uncovers clues that link his unexpected patient to the brutal killings. One is the strange and recurring theme of nutmegs. A precious spice from far-flung islands and already in demand, its high cost is increasing daily since the rumour has spread that it is a cure for the plague... Gabriel finds himself caught in a deadly rivalry involving a greater prize and more ruthless players than he could have imagined. Fighting to protect his family and friends from dangerous involvement in this savage race, will he be able to emerge alive?

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