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A Kingdom of Venom and Vows

par Holly Renee

Séries: Stars and Shadows (3)

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"I entered into a bargain--choosing my mate over my freedom. But I underestimated the crowned prince who took me. His touch like venom. His vengeance lethal. He craves a power I no longer hold, and he'll sacrifice every part of me until he gets it. But I don't belong to him. I belong to his brother. His brother who will come for me, consequences be damned. My fate is entangled between two princes--one who craves my power, the other who covets me--and I have more to lose than I ever imagined. War rages in a game between queens, and I have become their pawn. But I will fight for my life, for my mate, and he will raze kingdoms to get me back." --… (plus d'informations)

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Even and Adara’s story so far has led u son this intense journey of emotions. The last book left us on an incredible cliffhanger that had my heart in my throat so I couldn’t wait to read this book and I really enjoyed how things went. This world the author has created is amazing and the characters are ones you fall in love with. I don’t’ want to give much away there’s just so much that needs to be experienced on their journey, but I will say I loved Evren and Adara’s love, the strength they found, and the bonds created with their friends. I wish we had more time about a few thins or I should people and the end battle was expanded some more, but I thoroughly enjoyed these true mates and the love they carry. ( )
  readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
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"I entered into a bargain--choosing my mate over my freedom. But I underestimated the crowned prince who took me. His touch like venom. His vengeance lethal. He craves a power I no longer hold, and he'll sacrifice every part of me until he gets it. But I don't belong to him. I belong to his brother. His brother who will come for me, consequences be damned. My fate is entangled between two princes--one who craves my power, the other who covets me--and I have more to lose than I ever imagined. War rages in a game between queens, and I have become their pawn. But I will fight for my life, for my mate, and he will raze kingdoms to get me back." --

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