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Desire Has No Mercy

par Violet Winspear

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Desire Has No Mercy by Violet Winspear released on May 25, 1979 is available now for purchase.

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Oh my goodness, what a bicker fest. Most of the book was taken up with incredibly long scenes where all they did was verbally attack each other and sad to say it was mostly the heroine. I wanted to tell her to just shut the F*** up. It might not have been so bad but the scenes were each 10 to 15 pages long. You just got tired of it. I can stand the bickering if there was some other sort of stuff going on in between but it was all the same until the end where she magically realizes that she loves him. You could tell all along that he loved her although I don't see why. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
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Julia fled from the wedding reception, desperate to be alone for a few minutes, so she could recover her shattered composure.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS ERROR THROUGHOUT THE WEB when combining/separating/selecting for your LT accout:
Re: 10-ISBN: 0373708009; 13-ISBN: 9780373708000
On the web, use of this ISBN number will retrieve one or both of the following titles:

Having It All by Roz Denny Fox, published by Harlequin on 1998-07-01
Part of Series: Harlequin Superromance (800)

Desire Has No Mercy by Vivian Winspear, published by Harlequin/Mills & Boon in 1979 and 1985
Part of Series: Harlequin Presents (300)
Part of Series: Mills & Boon Romance (1496).

To further complicate this, when searching for Ms. Winspear's title on the web, the book retrieved may be correct except that it has Ms. Fox' cover attached to it.
IF POSSIBLE, try to retrieve Ms. Winspear's book by the title, as there are more editions to pick from than Ms. Fox'.
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Wikipédia en anglais


Desire Has No Mercy by Violet Winspear released on May 25, 1979 is available now for purchase.

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