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Becoming Ted

par Matt Cain

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453579,517 (4.19)Aucun
A charmingly joyful, surprising story about love, acceptance, and self-expression from the acclaimed author of "The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle". Fans of the musical "Kinky Boots" and Byron Lane's "Big Gay Wedding" will have their hearts stolen by Becoming Ted! If Ted Ainsworth were to compare himself to one of the ice cream flavors made by his family's company, famous throughout his sleepy Lancashire hometown, it might be vanilla-sweet, inoffensive, and pleasantly predictable. At forty-three, Ted is convinced there's nothing remotely remarkable about him, except perhaps his luck in having landed handsome, charismatic Giles as a husband. Then Giles suddenly leaves him for another man, filling his social media feed with posts about #newlove and adventure. And Ted, who has spent nearly twenty years living with, and often for, another person, must reimagine the future he has happily taken for granted. But perhaps there is another Ted slowly blossoming now that he's no longer in Giles's shadow-funny, sassy, more uninhibited. Someone willing to take chances on new friendships, and even new love. Someone who's been waiting in the wings too long, but who's about to dust off a long-ago secret dream and overturn everyone's expectations of him-especially his own...… (plus d'informations)

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The ensemble of characters in this book have always held back, due to others, to circumstances, and to themselves, but during the course of this story they learn to navigate their fears, guilt, and desires in order to blossom. Wonderfully written, this is a book for anyone struggling to put themselves (or even parts of themselves) first--and for anyone with "baggage" learning how to carry it. ( )
  imagists | Aug 28, 2024 |
**received as an ARC from the publisher

Contemporary romance is generally not my genre of choice, but once and a while I don’t mind dipping in to remind myself of the sweet and simple moments in life - and to get a break from the generally darker tone of the books that populate my TBR. This story, which follows ice cream man Ted (seriously, how do we not have a better word for person who works at an ice cream shop…), as he navigates the aftermath of his husband’s affair and their subsequent split. Ted has always played it safe, only going as far as coming out to his family but allowing himself to be closeted from his passions (being a performer) and continuing down the expected path of inheriting his family’s ice cream business. This may seem like a pretty good set up, but when combined with the subtle (though it really isn’t) criticisms of his husband, Ted has become a shell of a man and finds little real joy in his life. His story may be a bit expected in terms of the mid life crisis themes (we have the new relationship, new hobby/career, and confrontations galore), but as Ted makes the hard decision to revitalize himself we can’t help but be caught up in his story and unable to put the book down until he gets his happy ending! Matt Cain’s writing is a touch lacklustre, considering the exciting and occasionally literally glittery events, but it’s easily accessible and doesn’t seem to hinder any connections with the characters or bringing the setting to life. Maybe it’s meant to be a little dry to get started, as a method of mimicking Ted’s transformation, since by the time he starts experimenting with drag we’re too caught up in the story to notice any awkward transitions, and by the triumphant finale (with Ted on stage in Manchester in full drag no less!) his warmth and enthusiasm have seeped into the story and our hearts. Sweet and simple, I can definitely see this book being a little treat for readers, and pairing perfectly with ice cream on a sunny day at the beach - though Ted would want to swap out the ice cream, of course! ( )
  JaimieRiella | Mar 30, 2024 |
Becoming Ted tells the story of Ted Ainsworth, a kind and gentle man with a side of himself that he’s kept hidden away for most of his life. He works in the family business, a drool-inducing ice cream parlour (those flavours!) in a small Lancashire town but it’s not his dream. His dream is much bigger and bolder but it’s only when his husband leaves him that he starts to unfurl and begins to believe in himself. This rainbow butterfly is about to emerge from his chrysalis!

This book is an absolute delight from start to finish. I thought it was wonderful to follow Ted on his journey and witness his huge transformation (I’m trying not to give anything away but it’s quite radical and was so much fun). I loved Ted a lot but I also loved the supporting characters, Stanley, Alison, Denise and Oskar. Each had their own story to tell which not only made them a more rounded character to read about but also fed into Ted’s own story and helped him on his way to fulfilling his ambitions. Like an iceberg, there’s a lot more to this book than you can see from the surface.

Matt Cain is a wonderful writer. He has a down-to-earth style which makes me laugh out loud and he writes with such warmth and understanding. I particularly appreciated the fact that he didn’t feel the need to send Ted down an obvious path with regard to his husband and just let him banish his inner demons and believe in himself.

This story of a man daring to dream and working hard to make his dream come true is joyful and inspirational. Matt Cain has become an author whose books I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up and Becoming Ted is, as Ted would say, ACE! ( )
  nicx27 | Jan 5, 2024 |
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A charmingly joyful, surprising story about love, acceptance, and self-expression from the acclaimed author of "The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle". Fans of the musical "Kinky Boots" and Byron Lane's "Big Gay Wedding" will have their hearts stolen by Becoming Ted! If Ted Ainsworth were to compare himself to one of the ice cream flavors made by his family's company, famous throughout his sleepy Lancashire hometown, it might be vanilla-sweet, inoffensive, and pleasantly predictable. At forty-three, Ted is convinced there's nothing remotely remarkable about him, except perhaps his luck in having landed handsome, charismatic Giles as a husband. Then Giles suddenly leaves him for another man, filling his social media feed with posts about #newlove and adventure. And Ted, who has spent nearly twenty years living with, and often for, another person, must reimagine the future he has happily taken for granted. But perhaps there is another Ted slowly blossoming now that he's no longer in Giles's shadow-funny, sassy, more uninhibited. Someone willing to take chances on new friendships, and even new love. Someone who's been waiting in the wings too long, but who's about to dust off a long-ago secret dream and overturn everyone's expectations of him-especially his own...

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