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Percy (Hathaway House)

par Dale Mayer

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It was Aaron who convinced Percy to take a chance on Hathaway House. Yet, when he arrives, Aaron is back at school, and Percy's alone after all. The place is everything Aaron said it was, but the trip getting here set his progress back, from slow to nonexistent.Giada has worked at the center for several years and always went home happily to her brother at the end of the day. Only now her brother is engaged and planning to marry in six months. Change is happening, whether she likes it or not. And, in this case, it brings up a lot of turbulence in the family dynamic. Dani offers Giada a place of her own here at Hathaway's staff quarters, but the path forward is not so easy. Thankfully Percy is there as both a comfort and a friend.Now if only he could find the progress he's looking for, and she could find the new beginning of her own …… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parLadyTi

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A sweet romance that would be safe for a young teenager to read. ( )
  LadyTi | Nov 7, 2022 |
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It was Aaron who convinced Percy to take a chance on Hathaway House. Yet, when he arrives, Aaron is back at school, and Percy's alone after all. The place is everything Aaron said it was, but the trip getting here set his progress back, from slow to nonexistent.Giada has worked at the center for several years and always went home happily to her brother at the end of the day. Only now her brother is engaged and planning to marry in six months. Change is happening, whether she likes it or not. And, in this case, it brings up a lot of turbulence in the family dynamic. Dani offers Giada a place of her own here at Hathaway's staff quarters, but the path forward is not so easy. Thankfully Percy is there as both a comfort and a friend.Now if only he could find the progress he's looking for, and she could find the new beginning of her own …

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