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This Cursed Light

par Emily Thiede

Séries: The Last Finestra (2)

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825338,265 (4.13)Aucun
Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

From beloved author Emily Thiede comes the highly-anticipated final book in The Last Finestra duology, the sequel to This Vicious Grace, the epic romance hailed as one of the best fantasies of the year!
"I loved the book!! Fantastic ending to a fantastic series." - Jodi Picoult, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wish You Were Here

When the gods make the rules, the players must choose: Sacrifice their love to save the world, or choose love and let it burn?
Six months after saving their island from destruction and almost losing Dante, Alessa is ready to live happily ever after with her former bodyguard. But Dante can't rest, haunted by a conviction that the gods aren't finished with them yet. And without his powers, the next kiss from Alessa could kill him.
Desperate for answers, Dante enlists Alessa and their friends to find the exiled ghiotte in hopes of restoring his powers and combining forces with them to create the only army powerful enough to save them all. But Alessa is hiding a deadly consequence of their last fight—a growing darkness that's consuming her mind—and their destination holds more dangers than anyone bargained for. In the mysterious city of the banished, Dante will uncover secrets, lies, and ghosts from his past that force him to ask himself: Which side is he on?
When the gods reveal their final test, Dante and Alessa will be the world's last defense. But if they are the keys to saving the world, will their love be the price of victory?
In This Cursed Light, Dante and Alessa face their most daunting challenge yet when the Gods demand they prove their worth by choosing the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity, once and for all.

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5 sur 5
I loved This Vicious Grace so much that the sequel was always going to have a hard time measuring up, so I can't say I was surprised when This Cursed Light paled in comparison. Gone is the remarkable sexual tension that animated the first book and the galvanizing force of preparing for the Divorando. As Alessa and Dante turn their attention to saving the world (again), the emotional richness and plot urgency of the first book is diluted by a lack of communication trope and surface-level flirtations for almost every side character.

That said, I still I couldn't help but root for these characters I'd come to love, and while the rest of the sequel may lose its way just a bit, the ending does not disappoint! ( )
  yourotherleft | May 12, 2024 |
Great! Like no time lost from the first book! The characters and their banter is still fun, a dating Alessa and Dante still have zest and struggles in their relationship, and the sparks of new romances pop up in the background. In the midst of terrifying nightmares and war, of course.

This book is Dante-centric delving back into his past and going to his old stomping grounds. He has to come to terms with himself. Every insecurity of his strips his bare. Who is he without his powers? Who is he if he can't be a protector/protect Alessa?

Besides some spotlight on Kaleb, we still don’t learn anything substantial about the fonti. Characters like Kamaria stayed as comic relief and Saida we still knew nothing about. Add on all the new characters we get to meet, and you see how the characters' got spread thin.

Still, a fun romp. The filler arc of Dante befriending the others was long-winded, but I think it was a good opportunity to explore his insecurities and past.

The ending was so emotional! A fitting close to this series. I'd categorize this as New Adult too due to some of the sexier scenes. ( )
  DestDest | Jan 24, 2024 |
Neither Alessa nor Dante feel very comfortable in their skin following the events in the first book. She's dealing with voices in her head while he's struggling with the loss of his ghiotte power. That would be problem enough, but they soon learn that they have far less time to prepare for another conflict than they thought. This time, the fight will be different (don't want to give anything away) and involves finding the others like Dante. Finding them isn't easy, nor is convincing the ghiotte that the rest of their world needs them. The final conflict has a most interesting twist that makes things that much more satisfying. ( )
  sennebec | Jan 2, 2024 |
Six months after saving their island from destruction and almost losing Dante, Alessa is ready to live happily ever after with her former bodyguard. But Dante can't rest, haunted by a conviction that the gods aren't finished with them yet. And without his powers, the next kiss from Alessa could kill him.

Desperate for answers, Dante enlists Alessa and their friends to find the exiled ghiotte in hopes of restoring his powers and combining forces with them to create the only army powerful enough to save them all. But Alessa is hiding a deadly consequence of their last fight--a growing darkness that's consuming her mind--and their destination holds more dangers than anyone bargained for. In the mysterious city of the banished, Dante will uncover secrets, lies, and ghosts from his past that force him to ask himself: Which side is he on?

When the gods reveal their final test, Dante and Alessa will be the world's last defense. But if they are the keys to saving the world, will their love be the price of victory?

In This Cursed Light, Dante and Alessa face their most daunting challenge yet when the Gods demand they prove their worth by choosing the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity, once and for all.
  rachelprice14 | Dec 22, 2023 |
THIS CURSED LIGHT by Emily Thiede is everything you want from a sequel and series ender. For a debut novel, THIS VICIOUS GRACE was impressive. What Ms. Thiede accomplishes with the sequel is just as excellent. She grabs your attention with the first sentence, doesn't let it go until the last, and gives you a story that is as romantic, surprising, and suspenseful as you wish.

You start THIS CURSED LIGHT knowing the path to their happily ever after will not be easy for Alessa and Dante. Even with that knowledge, what Ms. Thiede puts them through is, in many ways, cruel. Because saving the world one time isn't enough, they must test the limits of their relationship, faith in each other, and humanity.

While it sounds like a cheesy write-up, Ms. Thiede makes it much better. She manages to keep Dante's struggles relatable and Alessa's fears on point. While there are times that the story is too focused on their relationship, Ms. Thiede ensures that we can see the bigger picture - that Dante's and Alessa's relationship issues are only small waves in a much larger ocean.

Because THIS CURSED LIGHT is about relationships but not individual ones. It's about the preconceived notions and hatred that ensue between groups. It uses the gods' feud to show how difficult it is for people to forgive or forget societal ills and that we do not expect people to do what is best for society versus what is best for themselves. Ms. Thiede shows what it means to put others before ourselves, and she does it in a way that is entertaining, sometimes comical, romantic, and hopeful.

I also want to express my relief that Ms. Thiede does not use the miscommunication trope to create tension between Alessa and Dante. Well, she doesn't use it too much. I detest that trope, but Ms. Thiede only makes us suffer through it briefly. Ultimately, both characters understand that miscommunication does not make for a strong relationship, nor does it show respect to your partner. Thank you, Ms. Thiede!

I loved every second of THIS CURSED LIGHT. I read it way past my bedtime and obsessed about it when I wasn't reading it. It was the type of story I didn't want to end. I believe the ending is just about perfect, but I didn't want my time with any characters to end. THE CURSED LIGHT was one of the best books I read all month, and I cannot wait to see what Ms. Thiede has for us next. ( )
  jmchshannon | Dec 2, 2023 |
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Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

From beloved author Emily Thiede comes the highly-anticipated final book in The Last Finestra duology, the sequel to This Vicious Grace, the epic romance hailed as one of the best fantasies of the year!
"I loved the book!! Fantastic ending to a fantastic series." - Jodi Picoult, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wish You Were Here

When the gods make the rules, the players must choose: Sacrifice their love to save the world, or choose love and let it burn?
Six months after saving their island from destruction and almost losing Dante, Alessa is ready to live happily ever after with her former bodyguard. But Dante can't rest, haunted by a conviction that the gods aren't finished with them yet. And without his powers, the next kiss from Alessa could kill him.
Desperate for answers, Dante enlists Alessa and their friends to find the exiled ghiotte in hopes of restoring his powers and combining forces with them to create the only army powerful enough to save them all. But Alessa is hiding a deadly consequence of their last fight—a growing darkness that's consuming her mind—and their destination holds more dangers than anyone bargained for. In the mysterious city of the banished, Dante will uncover secrets, lies, and ghosts from his past that force him to ask himself: Which side is he on?
When the gods reveal their final test, Dante and Alessa will be the world's last defense. But if they are the keys to saving the world, will their love be the price of victory?
In This Cursed Light, Dante and Alessa face their most daunting challenge yet when the Gods demand they prove their worth by choosing the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity, once and for all.


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