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Remote Control (Lab) (2007)

par Jack Heath

Séries: Six of Hearts (Book 2)

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745371,837 (4.13)1
Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers.
  1. 00
    The Lab par Jack Heath (Kaz7)
    Kaz7: The Sequel...

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5 sur 5
Library Summary: "Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers."

I really like this book! It was even better than the first one! I really like how close Six and his brother get. It shows how their relationship has strengthened since the first book. When they first met, Six didn't even like him. Now, he's risking his life to save him from his captors!

I also like Six as a character. Even though he seems like he doesn't care about anyone. But the truth is he does care. He just doesn't want to put the people he cares about in danger. Either that or he doesn't want to have a relationship because he fears that the other person will betray him. Either way, he does care. He just doesn't show it.

I recommend this to all fans of action books. ( )
  IreneReads | Sep 2, 2012 |
Reviewed by Sally Kruger aka "Readingjunky" for

"The first thing he saw was a soldier with a megaphone leaning through the second-floor window of one of the buildings; the second was the sixteen snipers aiming at him from the windows all around."

Events like the one above are fairly commonplace for Agent Six in REMOTE CONTROL, the sequel to Jack Heath's THE LAB. It is filled with heart-stopping images just like it.

The world is still controlled by ChaoSonic, and Six is still struggling to survive as he battles evil without the use of deadly force. This time his identical twin is kidnapped by a new villain named Vanish. Vanish mistakenly believes he has kidnapped Six and is asking for a ransom - or the teen will be killed.

As Six begins the Mission to rescue his brother, he encounters a new individual, a mysterious girl. She keeps herself hidden but offers survival advice, which Six finds quite confusing but useful if he is able to unlock the cryptic clues. Adding difficulty to his mission is the fact that the Deck has been compromised, leaving Six completely on his own. With no one to trust, he must keep track of everyone and can't rely on anyone.

Readers looking for non-stop action, violence, and intrigue should pick up a copy of REMOTE CONTROL as soon as possible. Jack Heath has a real knack for creating 007-type gadgets backed by spy-thriller adventures, and Agent Six's superhuman skills are sure to please. ( )
  GeniusJen | Dec 12, 2010 |
Six's brother, Kyntak, is kidnapped by an unknown enemy, and Six is the only person who has a chance at getting him back. If you loved "The Lab", you'll enjoy this book as well. There's twists and turns and the enemy doesn't want what you think they want. Clearly, there's going to be a third book, so I won't say more cause I don't want to spoil anything for you.
Definitely read book one first. ( )
  JRlibrary | Apr 25, 2010 |
The second book in this series featuring the genetically engineered superhuman, Six of Hearts, is even better than the first. The action sequences are intense and the story gets more complex. His brother has been kidnapped, his own agency thinks he’s a double agent…but Six does what he does best…comes out on top despite all the obstacles in his way and against all logic. Fantastic! Ages 13+ ( )
  JeSouhaite | Apr 15, 2010 |
Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers.
  lkmuir | Dec 8, 2015 |
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Six of Hearts (Book 2)

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Because I could not stop for Death-
He kindly stopped for me-
The carriage held but just ourselves-
And Immortality. From The Chariot by Emily Dickinson (1830-86)
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For Mum and Dad, who are always proud of me, whether I'm writing action novels or watching trashy TV.
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(Prologue) Awake.
(Ch. 1) The truck roared through the warehouse, narrowly avoiding a stack of crates.
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Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers.

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