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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Vol. 2

par Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou

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1662171,319 (4.54)1
"The longer Mo Ran spends in his life reborn, the less he understands the man he once was, to say nothing of the teacher he so hated. As emperor of the mortal realm, Mo Ran loathed Chu Wanning with all his being, but the Chu Wanning of this life has sacrificed himself for his student's sake time and again. Nevertheless, with the day of Chu Wanning's greatest betrayal on the horizon, Mo Ran clings to his hatred and his hopes: he must not let the past repeat itself. Yet strange new tragedies continue to unfold, and Mo Ran finds himself working alongside Chu Wanning to hunt down the mysterious culprit--a cruel mastermind who may know more about Mo Ran than even he remembers."… (plus d'informations)

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An excellent continuation! I continue to really enjoy this book! The translation by Rynn and J U N was quite fluid and enjoyable, and st's art continues to be a treat. The cover is gorgeous and the interior art is lovely.

I still love the cast, and liked meeting all the new characters. There's also a new swathe of side ships I found a lot of fun. Chu Wanning honestly shines this volume, and it was really great to get so much of his perspective. Would recommend if you wanted to read "Mo Dao Zu Shi" but with a long POV section by Lan Wangji. They're not 1:1 identical, but there are a lot of parallels between the two, enjoyably so. Chu Wanning's relationship with Mo Ran continues to be fun to see unfold: I'm just so sad for Chu Wanning and his loneliness, and how he thinks he's going to spend all of his life alone. I'm proud of the ways he really pushed himself to try and be friendlier to Mo Ran and even spend time with him. And it's nice that Mo Ran seems to be having a better shake in terms of friendships this time around. The moments they're both truly affectionate with one another, and are supportive, are quite sweet. Mo Ran coming back to watch the fireworks with Chu Wanning was the best.

There's a lot of neat world-building in this volume as well, with more supernatural characters, and they're really fun to learn about.

All in all, it's a great volume. Looking forward to the next! ( )
  AnonR | Aug 5, 2023 |
2ha continues to be a fun read! I find the plot and writing style more engaging than MXTX (my only prior danmei experience), but still wanting. This may be something about the work being in translation, but it feels less refined than I would hope. The plot really picks up the pace in this volume, rather than being focused on the love triangle, with an added time traveler/reincarnated person showing a hand as a possible villain. My only other gripe is hoping to see more what drove Mo Ran down his original timeline's path. It feels like he needs more of a push to go from "revenge against his shizun" to "genocidal tyrant." Idk, I'm just not buying it yet. ( )
  zekhau | Jun 21, 2023 |
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"The longer Mo Ran spends in his life reborn, the less he understands the man he once was, to say nothing of the teacher he so hated. As emperor of the mortal realm, Mo Ran loathed Chu Wanning with all his being, but the Chu Wanning of this life has sacrificed himself for his student's sake time and again. Nevertheless, with the day of Chu Wanning's greatest betrayal on the horizon, Mo Ran clings to his hatred and his hopes: he must not let the past repeat itself. Yet strange new tragedies continue to unfold, and Mo Ran finds himself working alongside Chu Wanning to hunt down the mysterious culprit--a cruel mastermind who may know more about Mo Ran than even he remembers."

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