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The Trivia Night

par Ali Lowe

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From the outside the parents of the kindergarten class at Darley Heights primary school seem to have it all. Living in the wealthy Sydney suburbs, it's a community where everyone knows each other - and secrets don't stay secret for long. The big date in the calendar is the school's annual fundraising trivia night, but when the evening gets raucously out of hand, talk turns to partner-swapping. Initially scandalised, it's not long before a group of parents make a reckless one-night-only pact. But in the harsh light of day, those involved must face the fallout of their behaviour. As they begin to navigate the shady aftermath of their wild night, the truth threatens to rip their perfect lives apart - and revenge turns fatal.… (plus d'informations)

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An OK chick-lit holiday read but my oh my- if I were Liane Moriarty, I’d be jumping up and down asking why my “Big Little Lies” novel was being given a slight re-write. Same setting, same introduction, same character demographic and stereotypes ie northern beaches yummy mummies. I’m also still niggled by depictions of schools in NSW eg parent “persuades” the Principal to allow her friend’s child to enrol in her local public school. Seriously?
If you want some non credible fluff to while away the days, try this. ( )
  Mercef | Mar 30, 2024 |
Personally I found this a bit predictable I did like the changing POV but I just wasn’t pulled in and I couldn’t relate to any of the narrators (they all seemed too silly and self-absorbed). This went straight into the donation pile. ( )
  Damiella | Apr 21, 2022 |
The Trivia Night is an entertaining new addition to the Australian domestic noir genre from debut author Ali Lowe.

The first big fundraising event of the year for Darley Heights Public, a primary school in a wealthy beachside suburb of Sydney, is an adults-only fancy dress trivia night. Four couples take their place at table number six- Alice, the event organiser, and her husband Pete, Zoe and Miles, and newcomers Amanda and Ted, and Lara and Luke. As the drinks flow, conversation wanders from the benign to the risqué, and as inhibitions loosen, so too does the group’s behaviour. The morning after, a hangover is not the only consequence of the night, and the couples are left with more questions than answers.

Unfolding mainly from the alternating perspectives of Amanda in the present tense, Alice, as she speaks to her therapist, and Zoe through emails to her sister, the scandalous actions events that took place during the trivia night, and the aftermath are revealed. While each swore to never speak of the night again, when Amanda receives photographic evidence of their transgressions and a threat to release them, the women from table 6 are desperate to prevent their secrets being exposed.

Lowe explores a myriad of issues such as marital discord, alcoholism, domestic violence, infertility, sexual identity, grief, jealousy and schoolyard politics in The Trivia Night, affecting the characters and their relationships. The main characters are complex and largely credible, though Amanda’s nemesis is a bit of a stereotype.

There is plenty of addictive drama with partner swapping shenanigans, confessions, bitter betrayals and a shocking death. There’s well timed humour too amongst the tension and emotion, and I thought the writing and dialogue was strong and sharp. I found the plot to be fairly predictable though, expecting slightly higher stakes I think, though I enjoyed the final twist.

I think The Trivia Night will particularly appeal to those with children still in school, if only because at the next interminable fundraiser event it will be kind of fun to identify which couples resemble the characters. This is a strong debut, and I look forward to reading more from Lowe. ( )
1 voter shelleyraec | Mar 6, 2022 |
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From the outside the parents of the kindergarten class at Darley Heights primary school seem to have it all. Living in the wealthy Sydney suburbs, it's a community where everyone knows each other - and secrets don't stay secret for long. The big date in the calendar is the school's annual fundraising trivia night, but when the evening gets raucously out of hand, talk turns to partner-swapping. Initially scandalised, it's not long before a group of parents make a reckless one-night-only pact. But in the harsh light of day, those involved must face the fallout of their behaviour. As they begin to navigate the shady aftermath of their wild night, the truth threatens to rip their perfect lives apart - and revenge turns fatal.

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